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  1. Lawn Update

    of the lawn and when mowed the lower tender leaf blades are exposed. If the mowing was done shortly ... the Kentucky Bluegrass at the top has less injury. Low temperature injury to lawn. Injured turf from ... low temperatures and clipping on lawn. Lawn mowed the day before temperatures went down to 28 degrees ...

  2. Red Thread and Leaf Spot are Active!

    usually occurs during mild temperatures and long periods of wet turf. The disease is more prevalent in ... deficient in phosphorous the disease is often severe. Other cultural practices that promote healthy turf and ... Red Thread in fine fescue lawn, May 2011, Columbus, Ohio Close-up of Red Thread fungus in fine ...

  3. Residential Irrigation Methods

    properties including turf grass, ornamental beds, vegetables, and potential water sources. For more ...

  4. Fungicides, Red Thread, Leaf Spots, Patch Diseases and Dollar Spot

    into the crown which can cause the turf to thin. To manage the disease, properly mow the turf high to ... LAWN AND HIGH CUT TURFGRASS DISEAES--- Red Thread: This relatively superficial disease has become ... leaf blades. This disease is strictly a superficial problem and one that will not kill the turf. Under ...

  5. Ask an Expert

    Home Garden Issues Home garden pest and disease issues?  OSU Extension Greene County professionals ...

  6. Fungicides, Red Thread, Leaf Spots, Patch Diseases and Dollar Spot

    into the crown which can cause the turf to thin. To manage the disease, properly mow the turf high to ... LAWN AND HIGH CUT TURFGRASS DISEAES--- Red Thread: This relatively superficial disease has become ... leaf blades. This disease is strictly a superficial problem and one that will not kill the turf. Under ...

  7. Mowing Lawns

    of clippings. High quality mowed lawn. Shredded turf leaf tips. Excessive clippings; grass allowed to ... irrigated, an old lawn or a new lawn, proper mowing is essential for a high quality lawn. Properly mowed ... not properly mowed. Mowing is in a way a “controlled” injury to plants, if properly executed the lawn ...

  8. Mowing Lawns

    clumps of clippings. High quality mowed lawn. Shredded turf leaf tips. Excessive clippings; grass allowed ... irrigated, an old lawn or a new lawn, proper mowing is essential for a high quality lawn. Properly mowed ... not properly mowed. Mowing is in a way a “controlled” injury to plants, if properly executed the lawn ...

  9. Battle for the Belt Winter Meeting

    planting? Can you adjust your management practices to mitigate losses due to late planting? How are diseases ...

  10. Ag Breakfast at the OSU Extension Office February 8th

    Join our breakfast for an agricultural southwest 2023 update and insights for 2024. Topics include ...
