
Search results

  1. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Japanese Stiltgrass

    areas and control emerging populations before they become established. Spread Prevention Since mowing ... equipment is inspected and cleaned on a regular basis. When possible, mow non-infested areas prior to mowing ... parts. Debris from mowing and road maintenance equipment should be disposed of properly. Since stiltgrass ...

  2. OSU Alumni Club of Butler County- Newsletter Update

    Ohio State University Alumni Club of Butler County partnered with OSU Butler County Extension to showcase a display booth at the Butler County Fair on July 23rd.  Learn more about the club and it's activities through their newsletter HERE. ...

  3. Dr. David M. Francis

    is responsible for resistance to disease. I also had really good botany instructors as an ...

  4. Collecting and Submitting a Turfgrass Sample to the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

    plant diseases. Home, Yard and Garden Horticulture plant disease lawn turf disease turfgrass plant ... Step 1: Collecting the Sample For "high cut turf " such as residential lawns, athletic ... problem. Samples can be submitted that have come from golf courses, athletic fields, and residential lawns ...

  5. Cool-Season Turfgrasses for Sports Fields and Recreational Areas

    varieties produce quality turf at lower mowing heights). Watch for brown patch disease in summer. Tips For ... typically dominate the final turf stand. Most varieties respond well to a mowing height of 1 to 2.5 inches. ... mowing (1.5 to 3 inches). TF has moderate disease tolerance but is susceptible to brown patch, especially ...

  6. Dr. Ram Yadav

    priorities, and help update the Midwestern fruits and vegetable production guides. I also plan on testing new ...

  7. Efficient Lawn Care Practices to Help Protect Ohio’s Waterways

    turfgrass diseases and is not recommended for the homeowner. Ideally, when fertilizing an established lawn ... a new lawn because these will impede the germination of your turf seeds. Mesotrione is the exception ... including agriculture fertilizer, lawn fertilizer, wastewater plants, sewage overflows, and faulty septic ...

  8. Veggies & More Tour at St. Pat's

    Bring a lawn chair, notepad, and any weeds, diseases, or insects from your garden for diagnosis. Join us ...

  9. Veggie & More Tour at the Dorothy Day House

    Bring a lawn chair, notepad, and any weeds, diseases, or insects from your garden for diagnosis. Join us ...

  10. Veggies & More Tour at Flying High GROW Urban Farm

    Bring a lawn chair, notepad, and any weeds, diseases, or insects from your garden for diagnosis. Join us ...
