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  1. What's the Best Way to Burn (or Not) Certain Forests Around the Great Lakes? New Program Has Science-based Answers

    consortium’s website features, for example, news and updates about fire science in the region, a list of coming ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-27

    season the National Weather Service Ohio River Forecast Center will update this forecast. Finally, in the ...

  3. OARDC Names 2009 Junior Faculty Research Award Winners: Land Use, Food-borne Illness Experts

    international expert in the areas of pre-harvest food safety, animal-transmitted diseases, and food-borne ...

  4. Kingsville branch serves grapes and a growing industry

    disease control, the effects of compost, and the performance of a wide range of cultivars, clones, ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-02

    percent leaf area affected by soybean foliar diseases, the number of aphids per plant and the percent ... planting and seed placement, tillage systems comparisons, cover crops, root development, weed, disease ... well as a number of our state specialists talking about insects, weeds, disease and crop production. ...

  6. Researchers Find Potential 'Dark Side' to Diets High in Beta-Carotene

    protecting cells and regulating cell growth and death, all of which play a role in multiple disease ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-35

    mowed anytime after a frost if you are making hay. It is very rare for dry hay to contain toxic levels ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-15

    Armyworm on Corn Slug Update Killing Failed Glyphosate-Resistant Corn Stands Central Ohio Agronomy In-Field ... Update Authors: Ron Hammond, Andy Michel, Bruce Eisley With the critical time for slug feeding being now ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-35

    symptoms typical of this disease: erect leaves with yellowish to reddish-purple tips. This disease is ... 4) controlling volunteer wheat, barley, and oats (for more on BYDV, visit the field crops disease ... the aphid population, it will not prevent the disease from developing once the plants have been ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-39

    fall. To see an updated map of where BMSB has been detected in Ohio crops, follow this link: ... a legislative update, overview of the current Renewable Fuels Standard and a presentation from a nationally ...
