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  1. "Learning Garden" Teaches Landscaping Skills

    the environment, gardening, managing wildlife, fish farming, native plants, plant diseases and more. ...

  2. Performance Trials Help Industry Choose Best Cabbage Varieties

    insects, diseases, and heat and moisture stress, as well as color, density, flavor, head size, texture and ...

  3. In-Furrow Applicator Cuts Chemical Costs in Vegetable Crops

    crops, including the chemical investment for insect and disease management. But a group of Ohio State ...

  4. Breeding Project Aims for Larger, Fast-Growing Perch

    don't want to produce a fish that is susceptible to disease or produces poor muscle quality," said ...

  5. Use of Precision Ag Technology Continues to Grow

    industries and organizations will be on hand to provide field crop information on insects and diseases, ag ...

  6. Time to Assess Rapidly Developing Wheat

    such an important part of our rotational system. If we don't have major disease concerns and if ...

  7. Be a Part of Ohio's Grape/Wine Industries. Learn How at Farm Science Review.

    selection, soil testing and amendment, drainage, nutrient levels, equipment, insect and disease resistance, ...

  8. Ohio Soybeans Suffer in 2008

    season, and as a result we lost a lot of plants due to flooding, erosion, and root rot diseases ...

  9. $1 Million Grant Furthering Efforts to Eliminate Food Crisis in Africa

    availability of key commodities, developing disease diagnostics, alleviating trade bottlenecks, and reducing ...

  10. Ohio Applicator Forecast and Weather Update

    The wetter than normal pattern will likely continue into the first half of June now. Weather models have been trending wetter and that is important to note. The risk is increasing toward the wetter side the next 30-days. This applies to much of the corn b ...
