
Search results

  1. Revising Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybean, and Wheat

    Ohio State is in the process of updating the Tri-State Recommendations, looking specifically at N, ...

  2. Ohio Lawn Care Association Northeast Field Day


  3. Nestle Nutrition Industry Information Session

    experienced mentor and will be expected to provide regular updates, as well as develop and present ...

  4. FST Faculty Can Speak on Salmonella, Backyard Chickens

    the outreach arm of the college. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and health departments ...

  5. Western Bean Cutworm Update: Past Peak Adult Flight

    The majority of counties in Ohio are now past Western bean cutworm (WBC) adult moth peak flight. Trapping efforts last week (August 5 – August 11) resulted in 195 WBC adults across the state (a decrease from 824) and a statewide average of 2.5 moths/trap ...

  6. Chow Line: Pre-cut Melons Tied to Multistate Salmonella Outbreak

    How is that possible? You are right: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this week  warned ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-19

    Louisiana and Mississippi are dry; Florida soybean rust levels are very, very low Seedling diseases are ... Harvest aids for wheat Mid-season management of glyphosate Weather Update Upcoming OSU Agronomic Field Day ... disease in the southern US. Again, our risk in Ohio for soybean rust in 2008 is extremely low for soybeans ...

  8. Buckeye Dairy News

    Extension Youth Specialist, The Ohio State University Dairy Judging Team and 4-H Dairy Programming Updates ...

  9. Ohio State Grain Rescue Simulator to be Demonstrated at the Ohio State Fair Aug. 2

    deaths per 100,000 workers, according to most recent data available from the Centers for Disease Control ...

  10. Organizers Thinking Big for Review’s Small Farm Center Programs

    Extension Sept. 20, Small Farm Building 10:30 a.m., Growing Hops in Ohio—An Update, Brad Bergefurd, OSU ...
