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  1. OSU Extension Fights Food Insecurity in Buckeye State

    calories but not much nutrition, Hatsu said. That can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other ...

  2. Tips for Emerald Ash Borer and Asian Longhorned Beetle Infestations Offered at Farm Science Review’s Utzinger Garden

    diseases Invasive species Rain barrels Italian herbs These topics are just a sampling of some of the things ...

  3. Funding and Recognition Information

    About Us tab, then under Employee Resources. No log-in required. Updated regularly. Target: faculty, ...

  4. Frost Seeding to Improve Pasture and Hayfield Quality

    is prepared for frost seeding by grazing it down hard, although some light tillage or a close mowing ...

  5. Chow Line: Watermelon tasty, nutritious

    cancers, and also protects cells from damage associated with heart disease. In addition, citrulline in ...

  6. 4-H Opioid Display Offers Prevention and Drug Education for Ohioans

    nationwide in 2015, more than any year on record, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and ...

  7. Funding and Recognition Information

    About Us tab, then under Employee Resources. No log-in required. Updated regularly. Target: faculty, ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-19

    Leaf Insects Significant Armyworm Moth Numbers Scouting for Corn Rootworms Sentinel Plot Update for ... destroyed 2 two nodes of roots destroyed 3 three nodes of roots destroyed   Sentinel Plot Update for June 25 ... the level of disease was still low. Inoculum in the south is still very low and with only 8 weeks of ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-39

    a randomized block design with four to five reps in each location. Foliar diseases were evaluated at the R2-R3, ... location producers and/or commercial applicators applied treatments. During 2008, only one foliar disease ... was present at each location and that was Septoria brown spot. This disease is caused by a fungus ...

  10. Combating Ohio's Opioid Crisis

    discuss the realities of the issue, to treat it as a disease and to teach compassion for people who have ...
