
Search results

  1. Extending Ohio's Raspberry Season With New Fall Cultivar

    performance, berry size, disease resistance and winter hardiness. Raspberry varieties, typically thought of as ... mowed right to the ground in the late winter, eliminating 90 percent to 95 percent of the pruning labor. ... Cut canes still need to be removed from the field, however, to decrease chances of diseases over ...

  2. Summer Garden Walk

    diseases, varietal selection, and how to get the most from your garden this season. This event is free and ...

  3. Cancer Prevention in the Kitchen

    how it can help lower risk for cancer and other disease. Recipes will be shared, and a cooking ...

  4. Brazil Experiences with Rust Offer Insight for U.S. Growers

    soybean rust. The goal is to provide media with the latest updates on the disease and Ohio State's ... role in research and education. These updates are expected to continue throughout 2005. WOOSTER, Ohio ... Mother Nature, the disease is easily manageable. Anne Dorrance, an Ohio State research plant pathologist ...

  5. Summer Garden Walk

    disease, varietal selection, crop rotation and how to get the most from your garden this season. This event ...

  6. Composting Boosts Turfgrass Growth

    April 9, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- A little composting can go a long way when establishing lawns in new ... the incorporation of compost into the soil improves lawn establishment following construction of new ... planted is depleted of nutrients, and is weakened and becomes more susceptible to diseases," said ...

  7. 2019 Franklin County 4-H Recognition Program

    Community Service Pin Public Speaking Pin Watch Franklin County 4-H Updates for the RSVP link.  ...

  8. Shrub Rose Versatility Appealing to Flower-Lovers

    greenhouse professionals plant selection and maintenance information, pest and disease management tips, ... tolerance to pests and diseases. "People are always looking for plants that don't require a lot of ... Extension Nursery, Landscape and Turf Team. Candace Pollock Gary Anderson False False False False False ...

  9. Proper Proline Management Needed for Effective Results

    fungicide available to farmers that controls a wide variety of crop diseases, including head scab. Head scab ... is a serious wheat disease that attacks the plant during flowering under moist conditions. The ... disease infects the wheat heads, causing shrunken, lightweight kernels, thereby reducing the quality and ...

  10. Garden Walk at Smoky Row Brethren Church

    disease, varietal selection, crop rotation and how to get the most from your garden this season. Free and ...
