
Search results

  1. Transition Cow Management

    of mastitis, clinical onset of chronic disease, and retained placentas. Lymphocytes (white blood ...

  2. Financial Planning

    savings Review and/or update estate planning documents Talk to your aging parents about their finances In ...

  3. Microwave Method to Determine Forage Moisture Content

              A lot of cereal rye and hay fields have been mowed in the past week to 10 days and ...

  4. Farm Biosecurity with COVID-19

    touching their face, thereby reducing the risk of disease transmission. COVID-19 biosecurity measures need ...

  5. Ferdous-e-Elahi: Enhancing Food Security in Bangladesh

    and cultivation practices amazed me growing up. When I was young, I noticed so many diseases existed ... crops. I was fascinated and soon realized for the first time that I needed to work with plant diseases ... losses pre and post-harvest. Soft rot, considered as one of the most serious bacterial diseases of potato ...

  6. Seminar: Paraguay- The Heart of South America

    Pathology in Dr. Sally Miller’s Lab with interests in Biological Control and Integrated Disease Management ...

  7. Forage Tests Provide Valuable Information

    and around wet spots for mowing, tedding and raking has undoubtedly caused dirt/mud to adhere, or ...

  8. 4-H Kicks Off New Year

    planned for 4-H at the county level in 2016.  In addition to updates from Wayne County 4-H staff, state ... 4-H specialists also shared program updates and ideas for Cloverbud activites, 4-H animal science ...

  9. Considerations when selecting 2018 corn hybrids

    relative importance of such traits as drydown, insect and disease resistance, herbicide resistance, early ... stalk rots, foliar diseases, and ear rots. These include northern corn leaf blight, gray leaf spot, ... obtain information from their seed dealer on hybrid reactions to specific diseases that have caused ...

  10. Comprehensive Land Plan Workshop

    Wayne County is in the process of updating its comprehensive land use plan, using the theme ...
