
Search results

  1. OSU Extension e-Store Selling Educational Publications at Farm Science Review

    Diseases/Insects in Home Fruit Plantings – A 35-page guide for home fruit production and management of insects and ... diseases. The cost is $9.61. • Corn, Soybean, Wheat, and Alfalfa Guide – A 245-page pocket guide for scouts, ... is $8.17. • Profitable Soybean Disease Management in Ohio – A 30-page bulletin addressing the ...

  2. Yields Inconsistent with Fungicide-Treated Corn Plots, Study Finds

    fungicides on corn, in the absence of diseases, to boost yields, and plant pathologists continue to recommend ... their use in an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach to dealing with foliar diseases. In a study of ... disease is present in the field," said Paul. "Different combinations of these factors may have ...

  3. OARDC Names Research Lab After Former U.S. Rep. Ralph Regula

    nationally with capacity for research on infectious diseases of both plants and large animals at the BSL-3 ... research on a number of disease organisms and pests capable of causing billions of dollars in losses to ... disease that could jeopardize Ohio's $1 billion a year soybean industry; and avian influenza, which ...

  4. Work in Plant Disease Biocontrol Earns OARDC Researcher Spot in World Class South Korean Program

    Agricultural Research and Development Center is providing his expertise in biological control of plant diseases ... a graduate-level course on biocontrol of plant diseases at CNU. The World Class University Program is funded by the ... genetic and biochemical basis for plant disease suppression, and assist in the pilot scale production and ...

  5. Chow Line: Not everyone can tolerate gluten (for 5/9/10)

    eating wheat products, even though they said tests for celiac disease came back negative. Are there other ... reasons people would need to avoid wheat? It could be that your friends actually do have celiac disease ... celiac disease, it's the gluten in those products that damages the intestine, causing nutrient ...

  6. Chow Line: Fit in fiber even on a gluten-free diet

    made with whole wheat. And if you're diagnosed with celiac disease, the last thing you want to do ... disease consume a product containing gluten, their small intestines rebel. Within an hour, they can suffer ... are also associated with celiac disease. But you also want to get enough fiber in your diet. ...

  7. What Was Good for Corn Was Bad for Soybeans

    conditions, which benefited an early-planted corn crop, contributed to soybean diseases and hindered the ... rainfall — 25 percent to 30 percent higher — from April to October invited root rot diseases, which ... Beuerlein. “Soybeans are susceptible to a lot more root rot diseases than corn. Cooler temperatures, plenty ...

  8. Some Soil Bacteria Protect Soybeans From Root Diseases

    September 16, 2002 WOOSTER, Ohio- In the struggle to protect soybean plants against root diseases ... that colonize soybean roots protect the plant from a wide range of root rot diseases, including ... roots and how well they protect roots against diseases," said McSpadden Gardener. "Our goal is ...

  9. Now's the Time to Scout for Wheat Foliar Diseases

    frost damage concerns, now is the time for growers to begin scouting for foliar diseases, especially on ... mildew is one of the most common wheat diseases in Ohio. Mild temperatures, high relative humidity and ... when wheat is in the joint to flag-leaf stage of development. This disease results in reduced kernel ...

  10. New Phytophthora Research to Speed Up Plant Protection

    devastating soybean diseases may enable germplasm companies to incorporate effective genes more quickly into ... resistance will no longer be effective against the disease," said Dorrance. "High levels of partial ... resistance helps maintain yields across disease pressures and disease locations. Of course we continue to ...
