
Search results

  1. Master Gardener Volunteer Membership Meeting & Workshop

    Program will include: Pie, ice cream, coffee, and cider MGV Program and Project updates Update on ...

  2. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: To Be in Clover (or Not to Bee) (for the Week of July 15, 2007)

    July 13, 2007 Q. Dear Twig: The lawn at my house has clover in it. Is that good or bad? A. It ... depends. It depends on if you like your lawn to have only grass in it. If you want to have honeybees around ... in the lawn of my grandfather, Grampa Trunk. He didn't mind. Some people like clover. They like ...


    for an update and touch base meeting. WHEN: Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 7PM- 8:30PM WHERE: Zoom ...

  4. Diagnose Woody Plant Pests and Diseases at Plant Diagnostic Academy

    April 23, 2009 DAYTON, Ohio-- Diagnosing pest and disease problems of woody plants isn't ... Stewards Team and the OSU Extension, Nursery, Landscape and Turf Team (ENLTT), will be held May 19-21 at ... diseases," said Kathy Smith, an OSU Extension associate in forestry. "It's more than just throwing ...

  5. Ornamental Plant Disease New to Ohio Poses Threat to Daylilies

    August 29, 2001 COLUMBUS, Ohio- An ornamental plant disease, first diagnosed in Ohio last month, ... problems for nursery, greenhouse and garden growers. "Daylily rust is a pretty serious disease ... ," said Steve Nameth, an Ohio State University plant pathologist. "In Florida, if the disease is ...

  6. Update on Office Closure

    disease 2019 (COVID-19). To do our part in reducing risk to Ohio State University Extension employees or ...

  7. Spring Gardening Update

    garden. Please click here to read the Spring Gardening Update.  ...

  8. Ask a Master Gardener Booth

    Franklin County, in an effort to help you have the greenest lawn, the plumpest tomatoes, and the most ...

  9. Grow Backyard Fruits at Farm Science Review

    plants, getting started in beekeeping, weed identification, controlling garden diseases, and picking the ... answer visitor questions on gardening, insect and disease issues and other plant-related information from ... perennials to lawn care to fruits and vegetables. The Chillin' portion of the event will be held Sept. ...

  10. What's Killing Beech Trees

    J oin Dr. Enrico Bonello, to learn the latest details on beech leaf disease. Tuesday, March 31 st ...
