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Grape Black Rot
one of the most damaging diseases of grapes in Ohio and other northeastern states. The disease is ... rachises and cluster stems (peduncles) of grapes. If the disease is not managed early in the season, the ... on a grape leaf. Inset shows the dark pycnidia that can be seen in the center of each spot. Disease ...
Phytophthora Damping-off and Root Rot of Soybean
destructive diseases of soybeans in Ohio for more than 60 years. When rainfall saturates fields soon after ... and 8 percent in years with more normal planting seasons. The disease is most severe in poorly drained ... zoospores. Rps genes and Pathotypes This disease has been managed effectively by planting cultivars with Rps ...
Managing Stress for a Healthy Heart
highest rates of death due to stress-related conditions like hypertension and heart or artery disease. The ... piece to heart disease prevention is managing stress. Stress makes the heart beat faster to get the body ... cholesterol levels The development and progression of coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis) A weakened ...
Orange Rust of Brambles
fungus Arthuriomyces peckianus. Orange rust is the most important of several rust diseases that attack ... the canes are stunted. As the disease develops, the edges and lower surface of infected leaves (Figure ... and bright orange (Figure 2C). This bright orange, rusty appearance is what gives the disease its ...
Phytophthora Root and Crown Rot of Fruit Trees
Pathology Phytophthora root and crown rots (sometimes called collar rot) are common and destructive diseases ... root rot. Symptoms Diseased trees are commonly found in poorly drained areas of the orchard or yard. ... Heavy, wet soils that remain saturated for extended periods of time are required for disease development. ...
Powdery Mildew of Grape
important disease of grapes worldwide. The disease generally is considered less economically important in ... Ohio than black rot or downy mildew. However, uncontrolled, the disease can be devastating on ... the fungus. Causal Organism and Disease Cycle Figure 2. Grape leaf severely infected with powdery ...
Equipment Needed for Planting and Maintaining Food Plots
moldboard plow for lawn/garden tractors or ATVs is available and may fit small-scale food plot installation ... or seeding begins. Rotary Mower —To maintain perennial food plots in a lush vegetative state, mowing ... will be necessary during the growing season. Mowing alfalfa or clover plots once or twice a year helps ...
Rust Diseases of Wheat
(330-263-3842) There are three different rust diseases that affect wheat—leaf rust (also known as brown rust or ... given year, any of these diseases can infect and cause substantial yield losses if not adequately ... level of rust severity. High levels of disease before or during flowering usually have the greatest ...
Mosquito Bites for Trainers and Supervisors
Sometimes, however, they can transmit dangerous diseases. For this module: Review the information below on ... They can contract diseases like the Zika virus, malaria, or West Nile Virus from any one of those ... donors. When they bite humans, they can pass those diseases to humans in their saliva. For more ...
Recognizing Concussion or TBI in Horseback Riders
for Disease Control, the following are symptoms of TBI: Difficulty thinking clearly Feeling slowed ... TBI in a rider who has fallen. The training has been jointly developed by the Centers for Disease ... (2019). Symptoms of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ...