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  1. Ohio State University Extension Cuyahoga County & NYSP

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  2. Marestail: Roundup Won't Kill It!

    kill. If you've been to a lawn and garden store, it's the one they call, "that bushy ... effective such as 2,4-D and dicamba are the same as those used to control dandilion or clover in lawns. Once ...

  3. Avian Influenza: What’s it mean for Fairfield County Poultry Growers and Exhibitors?

    (UPDATE: Due to the concerns for the spread of avian flu, on June 2, 2015 the ODA cancelled ALL ... avian flu in the Pacific, Central, and Mississippi flyways (or migratory bird paths). The disease has ... not present a food safety risk; poultry and eggs are safe to eat. The Centers for Disease Control ...

  4. NUEL Fellow Opportunity

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  5. Snow Mold- how much damage and what can be done?

    As the snow begins to recede a key question for the turf manager is how much snow mold damage will ... damage from this diseases than experienced in recent years. Snow mold is active at temperatures just ... for the disease when it occurs without snow) fungicide applications would be recommended especially if ...

  6. Welcome Solomon

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  7. Updated Contact Information

    With the shift to newer technology, our office has updated the phone system and our contact ...

  8. OSU Extension Annual Urban Summit

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  9. Entrepreneurial Marketing Introductory Guide

    EconData- extensive list by subject Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Data & Stats Public ... 1-Minute Response Please follow this link to complete a very brief survey. This guide is frequently updated ...

  10. The Impact of COVID-19 on Foodborne Disease

    changed the way we have been living our daily lives since then. Early on, there was speculation that these newly emphasized public health measures would reduce the spread of other diseases as well. Hand washing had always been recommended but not always ...
