
Search results

  1. AgTech Innovation Hub awards inaugural research projects

    approaches is in high demand due to increased disease pressure due to climate change and reduced ... biopesticide for disease control and growth promotion in tomato crops, both those grown using hydroponics and ...

  2. Graduate Exit Seminar- Allison K. Williams

    of Lyme disease, the most common vector-borne disease in the United States, leading to public health ...

  3. 2023 CFAES State of the College

    2023 CFAES State of the College March 23 at 11 a.m.  Join us virtually for an update about CFAES ...

  4. New Ohioline Factsheet available

    of a new Agriculture and Natural Resources factsheet "Lawn Care Practices to Help Protect ...

  5. SENR Career Services: Faculty and Staff

    semester, this is a great time for them to update their résumés in preparation for the career fairs and ... include updating their profile information in Handshake, uploading and updated resume, and meeting with ...

  6. Sam Ward

    Science. Ward SF and JJ Riggins. 2023. Drivers of invasion by a tree-killing, vector-disease complex ...

  7. Luis Martinez Villegas

    the people that live side by side with these disease vectors, and the people that try to surveil and ...

  8. Horse Health and Disease

    ANMLTEC 3171T Study of equine disease, lameness, and emergency first aid with emphasis on ...

  9. Entomology Graduate Student Association (EGSA)

    and social factors that contribute to the proliferation of vector-borne diseases, as part of the ... about upcoming camps and the Canter’s cave 4-H Camp website for pictures and updates!  Ohio 4-H Youth ...

  10. Root and Rhizosphere Ecology

    contributes to disease suppression, and regulates global nutrient cycles, directly impacting crop production ...
