
Search results

  1. School for Trees: Sign Up by Monday (5/13) (UPDATE)

    MANSFIELD, Ohio-- Curious about Ohio’s top 10 landscape trees? Want to learn how to keep deer from eating your plants? These are just a few of the topics to be taught at Ohio State University’s first-ever  Tree School  May 18. ...

  2. History Timeline

    established to provide information to the agriculture community and address horticultural, soil and disease ... Extension. 1963- Plant Disease Clinic established by Extensioin plant pathologists.  The clinic expanded to ...

  3. Ohio Vegetable Production Guide Updated and Merged with New Regional Guide

      COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio State University Extension's Ohio Vegetable Production Guide (Bulletin 672) has been discontinued but most of its content, including cultural, varietal, and pesticide recommendations, have been merged with an existing regional ...

  4. Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative Update: Project Cultivates Tanzanian Agricultural Expertise for Future

    doctoral candidate is studying rice blast, a serious disease of rice-- one of Tanzania's key crops. ...

  5. Qu publications

    2012. Tritimovirus P1 functions as a suppressor of. RNA silencing and an enhancer of disease symptoms. ... HC-Pro is competent to produce disease synergism in mixed infections with Maize chlorotic mottle virus. ... of Tombusviridae: The role of viral coat proteins and a silencing suppressor in disease development. ...

  6. Horacio Lopez Nicora on Soybean Disease and Yield

    Horacio talks about his latest research ...

  7. Midwest Graduate Student Conference on Regional and Applied Economics (CRAE) Held at Ohio State on April 5th and 6th; Meeting was a Huge Success

    the live conference updates on AEDE’s Twitter page, as well as the CRAE website. Additionally, event ...

  8. Archive 2013

    Research Station Thousand Cankers Disease and Walnut Twig Beetle:  A Threat to Walnut Trees that Simply ...

  9. McSpadden Gardener Lab- People

    leaf/fruit blotch disease. From 2011 to 2012,  Dr. Rotondo worked as a postdoctoral research associate at the ...

  10. Water Treatment for Plant Health and Food Safety

    fresh produce. Situation Fresh produce has been implicated in several recent outbreaks of human diseases ...
