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  1. MG Coffee Series- Containers and Baskets

    Are you ready for new innovative ideas?  Learn to make the best containers for your lawn or patio. ...

  2. ARC/PLC Farm Bill Decision Meeting

    choice up until March 15. Producers should update their own personal projections in March and decide if ... they want to remain enrolled as they did originally before the March 15 deadline. PLC yield update ... deadline is October 1, 2020. Landowners have nothing to lose by updating PLC yields. ARC-IC might be ...

  3. Consumer Horticulture

    collectively own and maintain several thousand acres of lawn, garden, and landscape. County Extension staff ... fertilizing a lawn or garden, to keeping it weed and insect free. Helping to acquire a soil test and properly ...

  4. Muck Crops Field Day

    offer farmers the latest information on diseases facing muck crops. The Muck Crops Field Day is from ... “We will also look at the latest research on carrot weevil control.” The event will also offer updates ... on the station’s latest research findings on managing weeds, insects and diseases in muck-soil ...

  5. Marestail: Roundup Won't Kill It!

    kill. If you've been to a lawn and garden store, it's the one they call, "that bushy ... effective such as 2,4-D and dicamba are the same as those used to control dandilion or clover in lawns. Once ...

  6. Avian Influenza: What’s it mean for Fairfield County Poultry Growers and Exhibitors?

    (UPDATE: Due to the concerns for the spread of avian flu, on June 2, 2015 the ODA cancelled ALL ... avian flu in the Pacific, Central, and Mississippi flyways (or migratory bird paths). The disease has ... not present a food safety risk; poultry and eggs are safe to eat. The Centers for Disease Control ...

  7. Mahoning County SNAP-Ed to bring Whole Grain Sampling Day to local participants

    the risk of many chronic diseases. While benefits are most pronounced for those consuming at least ...

  8. RESCHEDULED: Wildlife: Guest or Pest

    dinosaurs walked the earth, bats today are critically threatened by disease and climate change.  Join Dr. ...

  9. Updated Contact Information

    With the shift to newer technology, our office has updated the phone system and our contact ...

  10. Home and Garden

    and Pest Diagnostic Clinic spealized in the identification of plant diseases, plant health issues, and ...
