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  1. Ohio State Vet Med Offering Aquaculture Diagnostics Workshop

    September 27, 2004 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Individuals interested in aquaculture, fish diseases and ... of Veterinary Medicine Oct. 1-2. The Fish Disease and Diagnostic Workshop is being sponsored by Ohio ... refreshments. Topics of discussion include fish anatomy and physiology, infectious diseases of fish, water ...

  2. Seed Selection Key to Managing Soybean Disease, Achieving High Yields

    aware that one of the best ways to manage soybean disease is to make sure they plant the right varieties ... resistance package, which is one of the best ways to manage soybean disease," she said. "Growers ... soybean diseases can severely reduce yields. "In the rush to plant last season, we had some fields ...

  3. Wheat Growers Watching Weather in Ohio as Crops Are Ahead Two Weeks and Could Result in Strong Yields or Diseased Fields

    stays cool,” he said. “Cool conditions will also reduce the development of foliar and head diseases such ... crop, he said. “Warm, humid conditions favor disease development, and if not managed with a well-timed ... continually monitor their crops and to scout fields for foliar diseases and visit the head scab forecasting ...

  4. Heat/Diseases Blamed For Drop In Pumpkin Yields

    October 1, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Microdochium blight, a little-known fungal disease that ... by warm weather and wet conditions, the disease is showing up in areas that have been hit by recent ... disease development. So we are getting hit at both ends of the season." Riedel speculates that ...

  5. Locally Grown Hops a Possibility for Ohio’s Booming Microbreweries

    will evaluate new hop cultivars, innovative hop production techniques, insect and disease control ... years ago was because of disease and insect pests that reduced production in Ohio,” Bergefurd said. “We ... and updates, follow Farm Science Review on Twitter (@OhioStateFSR) and Facebook at ...

  6. Winning the War Against Soybean Rust Requires a Strategy

    fungicides, but an effective job of controlling the disease is questionable without an application strategy. ... affecting the outcome of the fight against this disease is to get a thorough coverage of the plant with the ... in late 2004 in Louisiana soybean fields. Since then, the disease — which can spread quickly and ...

  7. OSU Extension Event to Bring the Green Industry to NW Ohio

    turf, trees and landscapes; or served as members on tree commissions, other volunteer organizations like ...

  8. OARDC Plant Pathologist Honored for International Service

    international scientific organization devoted to the study of plant diseases and their control. "It means ... deserves this award," Slack said. "She is committed to solving disease problems that threaten ... a leader in the study and management of vegetable crop diseases, especially those of tomatoes and peppers ...

  9. Technology Offers Green Method to Tackle Top Disease of Cereal Crops

    diseases affecting crops such as wheat and barley, has been licensed to Sci Protek, Inc., based in Vista, ... from a devastating fungal disease. Researchers worked nearly 12 years to develop, identify and patent ... addition, consumption of diseased grains causes human and animal disease and epidemics in developing world ...

  10. Know the Production Risks with Continuous Corn

    potential problems with insect and diseases. However, some Ohio growers are willing to accept the risks of ... result in a variety of planting and harvesting problems, including: • Greater levels of disease inoculum. ... Continuous corn increases the frequency and severity of disease problems. • Cooler, wetter soils during and ...
