
Search results

  1. 2022 Year in Review


  2. Muck Crops Agricultural Research Station

    disease, insect, and weed challenges with new cultural practices and management techniques. The knowledge ... and around the world.   Disease Management Diseases are a major challenge to fresh-market vegetable ... production. OARDC plant pathologists study chemical and biological alternatives to controlling disease ...

  3. August Update on Scouting and Treating SLF in Cleveland


  4. Building Better Spray Programs for Vineyards

    producers. Developing spray programs that focus not only on disease management, but also fungicide resistance ... curriculum to learn from national experts in grape diseases and fungicide resistance management, about mildew ... diseases and management, best practices for using fungicides, and best sprayer practices. This online ...

  5. Northwest Agricultural Research Station

    disease management are an important part of the Northwest Station's research program. Flat, high-clay ... soils drain slowly, providing and optimum breeding ground for soil-borne diseases. As a result, ... management of these diseases is vital to profitable crop production in northwest Ohio. Researchers continue ...

  6. Western Agricultural Research Station

    grasses are evaluated at the Station for their yield, disease resistance, and other traits that are ... Insect, and Disease Management Different classes of fungicides are applied to corn and soybeans at ... different growth stages to determine the best integrated pest management strategy and rate disease control- ...

  7. Turfgrass Pathology Disease Day

    update from the disease clinic – what has been reported and what to look out for as the summer ... and Joe for FREE! July 12, 9:00-12:00pm Program •Spend time looking over ongoing disease research ...

  8. Eastern Viticulture and Enology Forum- Town Hall

    virtual meeting series to give seasonal updates and answer pre-submitted and live questions from grape and ...

  9. Eastern Viticulture and Enology Forum- Town Hall

    virtual meeting series to give seasonal updates and answer pre-submitted and live questions from grape and ...

  10. Eastern Viticulture and Enology Forum- Town Hall

    virtual meeting series to give seasonal updates and answer pre-submitted and live questions from grape and ...
