
Search results

  1. ANR Programming

    Q&A Series (Virtual)  -  08:00am to 08:30am   Disease Management Options for Today’s Weather (Virtual) ...

  2. Message from the State 4-H Office-Updated in-person 4-H club meetings guidance

    learning, and our economy going. We also want to take a moment to share updated in-person 4-H meeting ... requirements and a reminder to continue to follow our 4-H guidelines. Updated information, effective as of ... System updates are at ...

  3. 2021 Burley and Dark Tobacco Production Meeting and GAP Training

    contain one-hour of crop and environment information followed by a one-hour GAPC Update and labor ...

  4. COVID-19 Updates/Cancellations for Brown County

    a state of emergency and implemented a variety of strategies to reduce the spread of the disease COVID-19. ... over the next few weeks, an updated email was sent on 3/16 and 4/7. ANR program participants will be ... updates as more information becomes available. Please continue to check your email. As of now all OSU ...

  5. USAID Grant Focused on Food Safety, Empowering Women and Youth in Kenya Awarded to Kowalcyk, Morgan, Yousef and Team

    foodborne disease (FBD). Specifically, they will, according to their proposal, “characterize contamination ...

  6. USAID Grant Focused on Food Safety, Empowering Women and Youth in Kenya Awarded to Kowalcyk, Morgan, Yousef and Team

    foodborne disease.   Specifically, they will, according to their proposal, “characterize contamination at ...

  7. Brazil: Cultural and Agricultural Aspects

    rhizogenes biology and control, trying to understand genes responsible for disease development and the ... disease management on hydroponically grown tomatoes using beneficial bacteria belonging to the genus ...

  8. The Southern Ohio Farm Show

    Clermont, and Highland Counties. The program will include a market update, weather forecast from Extension ...

  9. Join us for countywide 4-H meetings via Zoom!

    meeting which will include pledges, county program updates, and a guest speaker. We have lined up a great ...

  10. I missed Private Pesticide Applicator and Fertilizer Re-Certification

    15. We will continue to update you as meetings are scheduled. You may continue to check these websites ...
