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  1. Wayne County Agricultural Policy and Outlook Meeting

    county meetings updating Ohio communities on policy changes, key issues, and market behavior with respect ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-37

    The Bane of On-Farm Research Bt Corn Refuge Requirement Update How to Save Treated Wheat Seed from ... planted and rains are above normal during pod development and filling stages. This disease can be caused ... survival. As always, when disease levels are high, crop rotation is essential especially on no or reduced ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-19

    Mask Protection from Wheat Dust Western Bean Cutworm Catches Increasing Rapidly Soybean Aphid Update ... Deficiencies Crop Insurance and Vomitoxin In Wheat; What are Farmers Options Vomitoxin and other Disease Damage ... molds and toxins. As such, symptoms of mycotoxicosis (disease caused by mycotoxins in humans and ...

  4. Northeast Ohio Agronomy School Slated for February 21, 2018

    of our program sponsors will provide a short industry update during lunch. Afternoon Session- To kick ...

  5. Western Bean Cutworm Update: Past Peak Adult Flight

    The majority of counties in Ohio are now past Western bean cutworm (WBC) adult moth peak flight. Trapping efforts last week (August 5 – August 11) resulted in 195 WBC adults across the state (a decrease from 824) and a statewide average of 2.5 moths/trap ...

  6. Wood County Agricultural Policy and Outlook Meeting

    by AEDE. The conferences feature a series of county meetings updating Ohio communities on policy ...

  7. Darke and Montgomery Counties Agricultural Policy and Outlook Meeting

    organized yearly by AEDE. The conferences feature a series of county meetings updating Ohio communities on ...

  8. Erie, Huron, Sandusky and Seneca Counties Agricultural Policy and Outlook Meeting

    feature a series of county meetings updating Ohio communities on policy changes, key issues, and market ...

  9. Managing Risk for Bt Resistant Rootworms The deadline for the comment period is April 15 th. We have not documented any cases of suspected ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-15

    Applications in Corn and Soybeans Applying Nitrogen to Young Corn Scout for Armyworm Now Slug Update Glyphosate ... Formulations Ammonium Sulfate with Glyphosate – Why and How Much? Soybean Rust Update Insect Update in Corn ... risk of disease is proportionally greater when there are lots of spores in the field originating from ...
