
Search results

  1. New Pesticide Applicator Training- February 13, 2019

    will choose between Industrial Vegetation (Category 5) and Turf (Category 8). Testing is available at ... Vegetation (5) Turf (8)   2:10 Breakout Sessions Turf (8) Auditorium Industrial Vegetation (5) Seminar Room ... A Turf Insects Applications and Calculations Turf Disesease Label Reading   Noxious Weed ID     License ...

  2. Graduate Student Support Group

    Taylor directly.  If you'd like to receive group updates and reminders, sign up for our mailing ...

  3. Fruit Tree Pruning Clinic

    lawn chair for seating.  ...

  4. Canaries in a coal mine: Energy transitions in Appalachian coal regions, and a roadmap for the rocky transition out of coal

    and human costs (e.g., natural resource destruction, crippling injuries, black lung disease, economic ...

  5. Online equine classes offered by Ohio State ATI

    The two equine courses planned for spring semester are horse health and disease, and horse breeding ... and selection.  Horse health and disease is a study of equine disease, lameness, and emergency first ...

  6. Chow Line: Nonperishable foods to stock up on in advance of a snowstorm

    the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the ...

  7. 2021 Overholt Drainage Workshop

    on drainage design, installation, and management including updates on on recently passed H.B. 340 ...

  8. Register for the CFAES Annual Research Conference

    Dr. Rattan Lal, 2020 World Food Prize Laureate, announcements of the research award winners, an update ...

  9. Increasing Yields by Suppressing Soilborne Pests via Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation Documented by Ram Khadka’s Dissertation

    houses.  But soilborne diseases and weeds are bigger challenges when cultivation periods are thus ...

  10. Chow Line: New tool offers chefs guidance on food safety

    incorporate the most updated food safety information into those recipes. Do you have any advice for me? A new ... written  statement.  The goal, the agency said, is to update recipes with food safety instructions written ... deaths from foodborne diseases occurring annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control and ...
