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Anthracnose of Grape
The disease was probably introduced into this country by grape plant material imported from Europe. It ... quickly established in American vineyards and became a significant disease of grape in rainy, humid, and ... warm regions of the United States. The disease is not common in Ohio; however, it caused severe damage ...
Fruit Rots of Blueberry: Alternaria, Anthracnose, and Botrytis
the field on overripe fruit. Anthracnose (ripe rot) is a serious preharvest and postharvest disease ... . Botrytis fruit rot is typically a minor disease but can become severe. Other fruit rots are less common. ... Botrytis mycelium is grayer and less dense than the greener Alternaria mycelium. This disease can also ...
Phomopsis Leaf Blight and Fruit Rot of Strawberry
Department of Plant Pathology Phomopsis leaf blight is a common disease of strawberry in the eastern United ... appears to be relatively minor; however, incidence of the disease has been increasing. The disease can ... yields the following year. In years highly favorable for disease development, leaf blight can cause ...
How to Read the Nutrition Facts Label
nutrition facts label was updated for the first time since its debut in 1994. The changes made to the ... contained in these foods, the updated nutrition facts label requires these packages to have “dual column” ... may be at increased risk for certain chronic diseases like heart disease and some cancers. The percent ...
Rabies Prevention in Livestock
a viral disease of the central nervous system of mammals. The infection creates a progressive inflammation ... collected from the Ohio Department of Health, Bureau of Infectious Disease, Zoonotic Disease Program ... aggression, neurologic disease, excessive drooling, or any other unusual behaviors. Symptoms The classic, or ...
Growing American Ginseng in Ohio: Maintenance, Disease Control, and Pest Management
ginseng is a relatively hearty plant, it is susceptible to a number of disease and pest problems. In ... disease control, pest management, and theft prevention can be much easier if you have properly established ... is important to frequently inspect ginseng for overall vigor and to inspect for signs of disease or ...
Preventing Heart Disease
good news is heart disease is preventable. The American Heart Association describes a coronary attack ... coronary artery disease. About 20% of all deaths from heart disease in the United States are directly ... the risk of heart disease is reduced by 50% within just one year. And no matter how long or how much ...
Protective Gloves for Trainers and Supervisors
knives, blades, cutter bars when cutting, sharpening, mowing, trimming. Leather Protects against: handling ... rough objects like stones or wood chips. stones thrown up while mowing; chips or splinters from sawing. ...
Phomopsis Cane and Leaf Spot of Grape
Pathology, The Ohio State University For many years, the Eastern grape industry recognized a disease called ... that the dead-arm disease was actually two different diseases that often occur simultaneously. ... dieback are distinctly different diseases, and their control recommendations vary greatly. Disease ...
Respiratory Diseases
respiratory diseases, and how to take actions to prevent these diseases. Trainer’s Note Breathing silo gases, ... dust, or mold spores can cause lung disease or death. Teach employees to recognize this danger and to ... quiz. Background There are several different types of respiratory diseases and illnesses a person can ...