
Search results

  1. Welcome, Tyler Morris!

    Morris as the new Turf Assistant, filling the position vacated by Eric Tanner. Tyler is an ATI Turfgrass ... turfgrass courses and with turf research projects led by Zane Raudenbush and Ed Nangle. Tyler’s office is in ...

  2. August Update on Scouting and Treating SLF in Cleveland


  3. Agronomy / Crop Management & Soil Conservation

    horticultural and turf management practices that make specific places effective and memorable. Participants will be ... production, soil science, weed control, crop diseases, and forage crops. Emphasis is placed on a strong ...

  4. Using the Weather to Control Dollar Spot

    turfgrass industry's most economically important fungal diseases. Turfgrass plant pathologist Mike ... applications to manage dollar spot--- a disease whose annual appearance can kill grass and leave behind large, ... irregular straw-colored patches. For those maintaining lawns, parks, sports fields and golf courses, the ...

  5. Pronouns in CarmenZoom

     and be sure to update your Zoom apps to the latest version.  Learn more at the IT@OSU site. ...

  6. Building Better Spray Programs for Vineyards

    producers. Developing spray programs that focus not only on disease management, but also fungicide resistance ... curriculum to learn from national experts in grape diseases and fungicide resistance management, about mildew ... diseases and management, best practices for using fungicides, and best sprayer practices. This online ...

  7. Save the date! Scholarship Golf Outing is Sept. 9

    Submitted by Kris Boone, SAVE THE DATE! The @ OSU_ATI_Turf Scholarship Golf Outing ...

  8. Plant Pathology’s Kanyagha Fight against Bacterial Wilt a Final Milestone in Long-Term CFAES Program in East Africa

    disease caused by soilborne bacterium Ralstonia spp has emerged as one the biggest recent agricultural ... alternative to chemical fumigation) to reduce bacterial wilt disease incidence and will be an important tool ... misinformed plant disease management approaches that farmers use is in the control of tomato bacterial wilt, ...

  9. Plant Pathology’s Kanyagha Fight against Bacterial Wilt a Final Milestone in Long-Term CFAES Program in East Africa

    disease caused by soilborne bacterium Ralstonia spp has emerged as one the biggest recent agricultural ... treatment (an alternative to chemical fumigation) to reduce bacterial wilt disease incidence and will be an ... and misinformed plant disease management approaches that farmers use is in the control of tomato ...

  10. The Advising & Teaching Evolution Professional Development Series

    The Advising & Teaching Evolution Professional Development Series: Advising Meeting (Updates & ...
