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  1. Southwest Corn Growers And Fayette County Agronomy Committee Field Day: August 14th

    and Wheat Growers will give an update, which will include the new information included in the 2018 ...

  2. Sampling for Soybean Cyst Nematode – Fall is the time!

    sample or how to target your sampling to get the best information for your money.    Updated information ...

  3. Is the No-Cutting Fall Rest Period for Alfalfa Really Necessary?

    period. These include overall stand health, variety disease resistance, insect stress on the stand during ... disease resistance and good levels of winter hardiness will be more tolerant of a fall cutting.  Adequate ... where root and crown diseases are setting in. The cutting frequency during the growing season can affect ...

  4. Harvesting Your Own Garden Seeds

    lawn.  I poured the seeds from one bucket into another in front of the blowing fan.  This process is ... achieved with little effort and has some uniquely delightful outcomes.  For more information on home, lawn ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-05

    Stewart’s Disease for the 2006 Corn Crop Preventive Insect Control on Field Crops Efficacy of Fungicide Seed ... Flea Beetle Activity and Stewart’s Disease for the 2006 Corn Crop Authors: Ron Hammond, Pierce Paul, ... beetle. The bacterium causing this disease is carried and spread by the adult beetle. In the spring, as ...

  6. Ponding Effects on Corn

    discolored and softening). Look for new leaf growth 3 to 5 days after water drains from the field. Disease ... hybrid resistance to these diseases and predicting damage from corn smut and crazy top is difficult until ... later in the growing season. However the economic impact of these latter two diseases is usually ...

  7. What is Ohio State University Extension??

    Management team who identify pests and diseases to prevent crop damage. For the homeowner, Master Gardener ...

  8. 2017 Central Ohio Precision Ag Symposium- Waldo

          Delaware Room   Prospect Room Waldo Room  1:00 Case AFS Update Evolution Ag Getting the Most Out of Your ... Update Jonathan Francis JD Equipment  Variable Rate & Multi Hybrid Seeding Prescriptions Dustin ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-04

    Diseases Weed Management Issues in Continuous Corn Increasing Your Corn Acres with Corn Following Corn? Do ... Nematode 2007 New Herbicide Update Reminder- Conservation Tillage Conference and Agronomy Offerings for ... more nitrogen if you choose to grow more corn after corn. Continuous Corn: Its Effect on Diseases ...

  10. A successful 2nd year of aquaculture boot camp

    aquaculture information, podcasts, and updates of ABC-2 activities. Additionally, ABC-2 Introductory provides ...
