
Search results

  1. Study Examines Role of Wildlife in Transmitting Foodborne Disease

    WOOSTER, Ohio — An analysis of studies examining the role wildlife play in the transmission of foodborne illness and antimicrobial resistance in the food chain offers a broad picture of what’s known on the topic and identifies gaps in current knowledge. ...

  2. OARDC Heirloom Rose Garden Open House and Plant Sale Is June 8 (UPDATED w/ slideshow)

    WOOSTER, Ohio-- The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s  Garden of Roses of Legend and Romance  will hold its annual  open house and rose sale  from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 8. The three-acre collection is home to about 1,500 heirloom rose p ...

  3. School for Trees: Sign Up by Monday (5/13) (UPDATE)

    MANSFIELD, Ohio-- Curious about Ohio’s top 10 landscape trees? Want to learn how to keep deer from eating your plants? These are just a few of the topics to be taught at Ohio State University’s first-ever  Tree School  May 18. ...

  4. Ohio Vegetable Production Guide Updated and Merged with New Regional Guide

      COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio State University Extension's Ohio Vegetable Production Guide (Bulletin 672) has been discontinued but most of its content, including cultural, varietal, and pesticide recommendations, have been merged with an existing regional ...

  5. Tackling avian flu, other diseases‬


  6. Central Ohio Lawn Care Seminar, Columbus

    ohioturfgrass ...

  7. Updating Ohio’s Phosphorus Risk Index


  8. Dean McPheron's September update from The Farm Science Review


  9. Vice President Update College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Dr. McPheron shares changes to the college, including organizational and leadership announcements. Friday, June 5, 2015 ...

  10. Update on Research Activities in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

    Steven A. Slack, Associate Vice President for Agricultural Administration and Director, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio State University ...
