
Search results

  1. Hairy Vetch as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    diseases, including black stem fungus Bloat hazard; seed and vegetation potentially poisonous Table 2. ... phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) Good Compaction fighter Excellent Disease Good Allelopathic (produces ...

  2. Protective Gloves for Trainers and Supervisors

    knives, blades, cutter bars when cutting, sharpening, mowing, trimming. Leather Protects against: handling ... rough objects like stones or wood chips. stones thrown up while mowing; chips or splinters from sawing. ...

  3. How to Read the Nutrition Facts Label

    nutrition facts label was updated for the first time since its debut in 1994. The changes made to the ... contained in these foods, the updated nutrition facts label requires these packages to have “dual column” ... may be at increased risk for certain chronic diseases like heart disease and some cancers. The percent ...

  4. Respiratory Diseases

    respiratory diseases, and how to take actions to prevent these diseases. Trainer’s Note Breathing silo gases, ... dust, or mold spores can cause lung disease or death. Teach employees to recognize this danger and to ... quiz. Background There are several different types of respiratory diseases and illnesses a person can ...

  5. Cork Spot and Bitter Pit of Apples

    disease usually is not serious. This is an updated version of a fact sheet originally published in 1992. ... sometimes confuse these disorders with damage resulting from insects or pathological diseases, particularly ... used in controlling post-bloom diseases and insects affecting fruit. Do not apply calcium chloride ...

  6. Anthracnose of Strawberry

    Department of Plant Pathology Anthracnose is an important disease of strawberry that can affect foliage, ... runners, crowns and fruit. The disease is caused by several species of fungi in the genus Colletotrichum: ... nearly identical symptoms on strawberry. The two most destructive forms of the disease are crown rot, ...

  7. Cedar-Apple Rust

    Ohio State University Cedar-apple rust is a common plant disease caused by the fungal pathogen ... apple, crabapple, eastern redcedar, and other juniper species. Cedar-apple rust is a widespread disease ... disease on redcedar and juniper, the symptoms can be significant and damaging on apple. This disease has ...

  8. Growing Giant Pumpkins in the Home Garden

    prevent the spread of leaf diseases. Trickle irrigation is best, but soaker hoses also work well. Overhead ... sprinklers are effective; however, wet foliage increases the chance of disease, especially angular leaf spot, ... node with soil will help anchor vines down and promote secondary root development. Insects and Diseases ...

  9. Drones for Spraying Pesticides—Opportunities and Challenges

    detection of insects and diseases Drones successfully and effectively monitor plant growth by collecting and ...

  10. Anthracnose of Grape

    The disease was probably introduced into this country by grape plant material imported from Europe. It ... quickly established in American vineyards and became a significant disease of grape in rainy, humid, and ... warm regions of the United States. The disease is not common in Ohio; however, it caused severe damage ...
