
Search results

  1. Advanced Field Crop Mgt.

    Extension Educators, ag retailers and Certified Crop Advisers up-to-date and hands-on training on disease ...

  2. Introductory Field Crop Mgt.

    Extension Educators, ag retailers and Certified Crop Advisers up-to-date and hands-on training on disease ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-02

    continuous corn. Benefits to growing corn in rotation with soybean include less disease and insect buildup, ... The severity of these disease problems is much greater in reduced tillage systems where residues are ... present. In the past, the use of foliar fungicides has not been considered economical for disease control ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-04

    importance of selecting corn hybrids with resistance to some of the most important diseases has been ... resistance should be the first line of defense against diseases such as northern corn leaf blight (NCLB). As ... hybrids in 2005, especially in the north western and central parts of the state. Yes, the disease did show ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-19

    Louisiana and Mississippi are dry; Florida soybean rust levels are very, very low Seedling diseases are ... Harvest aids for wheat Mid-season management of glyphosate Weather Update Upcoming OSU Agronomic Field Day ... disease in the southern US. Again, our risk in Ohio for soybean rust in 2008 is extremely low for soybeans ...

  6. 2017 Ohio Corn Performance Test: Regional Overviews

    conditions in August and September were mitigated by below average temperatures. Foliar diseases and insect ...

  7. Warm Nights May Impact Corn Yield

    stress and slow the development of foliar diseases and insect problems. References Hoeft, R.G., E. D. ...

  8. Planting Scabby Wheat Q and A

    will help to reduce inoculum build-up. Wheat Planting Wheat Disease Small Grain Production ...

  9. 2018 Spring Updates

    Newsletter/TGE ...

  10. 2018 Spring Updates from around the State

    Thursday, May 31, 2018 Newsletter/TGE ...
