
Search results

  1. Prepare for Slugs/Aphids; Learn How at Conservation Tillage Event

    insects and diseases, ag technology, nutrient management, soil and water, conservation tillage, and ...

  2. Winter Injury Update on Peaches, Grapes, Cherries

    " Winter injury is more than expected for much of Eastern winegrape, cherries, and peaches, leading researchers say. However, the true extent of the damage varies from site to site. It’s also important to keep in mind that although bud damage might h ...

  3. 2012 Sports Field Short Course and Golf Turf Spring Tee-Off   ...

  4. Ohio Master Gardeners Teaching Green During MGV Week May 17-23

    Dave Dyke will give an update on contour plantings and rain gardens, and park staff will provide tours. ...

  5. OARDC Vineyard Update- May 2006

    Monday, May 15, 2006 Newsletter/TGE ...

  6. Turf Tips: August 25, 2014

    Recent heat and humidity have our local plant pathologists grinning from ear to ear! Find out what's been popping up and what to look for in the coming weeks. PLUS...Joe takes the ice bucket challenge! ...

  7. "Emerging" Problems Plague Corn/Soybeans

    up its nutrient reserves and is more vulnerable to diseases such as damping off the longer it remains ...

  8. Ohio State to Implement Sheep Tail Docking Program

    utilized mainly to help improve hygiene and control diseases. While those in the sheep industry have ...

  9. Turf Tips: August 14, 2014

    See Joe talk about Dollar Spot and Rust, and fungicide applications. ...

  10. Emerging Problems Plague Corn/Soybeans

    up its nutrient reserves and is more vulnerable to diseases such as damping off the longer it remains ...
