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  1. 2021 Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory Spring Program

    updates. Attendees will also hear from a student in Stone Lab’s Research Experience for Undergraduates ...

  2. Time to Act on Climate Change: April 20, 2022

    here to receive event updates and notifications. Agenda 6:00 p.m.  Doors open to the Ohio Union’s US ...

  3. TWEL Annalee Tutterow Thesis

    Prey availability and snake fungal disease as drivers of timber rattlesnake habitat selection ... snake fungal disease (SFD), may alter their behavior and site use to optimize physiological performance. ...

  4. TWEL Annalee Tutterow Thesis

    Prey availability and snake fungal disease as drivers of timber rattlesnake habitat selection ... snake fungal disease (SFD), may alter their behavior and site use to optimize physiological performance. ...

  5. Undergraduate Research Spotlight: Shanvanth Arnipalli

    understanding of Prader Willi Syndrome (neuroendocrine disease) and proposing therapeutics to curb its induced ...

  6. Several Nursery Short Course Sessions Offered in Spanish

    than 120 educational sessions for nursery, landscape, garden center, tree care and turf professionals. ... Landscape, and Turf Team, and the Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association. Trade show hours are from 11 a.m. ... focusing on meaning and pronunciation. • 10 a.m.-- Identification and control of plant diseases ...

  7. CFAES Annual Research Conference

    of the research award winners, an update on the CFAES research enterprise, and the annual poster ...

  8. Go Outdoors, but watch for ticks

    tiny, blood-sucking bugs pass on diseases. “I always tell people the outdoors is healthy for you. You  ... as the risks associated with each of the four main ticks found in Ohio: Which diseases are associated ... blacklegged tick, also called the deer tick. A bite from that tick could transmit  anaplasmosis, a disease ...

  9. Get a Jump on Insects and Diseases with Diagnostic Workshop

    diseases, and Ohio State University Extension is helping horticulture professionals prepare with ... Extension Nursery Landscape and Turf (ENLT) team specialists on such topics as emerald ash borer, insects ... and diseases, digital diagnostics, sampling and diagnostic walks. The workshop marks the first of the ...

  10. ENRAS SP/SU 2021 Alumni Connection

    Environment and Natural Resources Alumni Society (ENRAS). We continue to work to keep you updated on ...
