
Search results

  1. Alfalfa Weevil Scouting

    County Extension Agricultural Updates The Wayne County Extension office is sending out regular ... information updates on current agricultural management practices, issues, and timely topics to our email ... lists, including beef, sheep, and dairy producers, along with updates to a general email list that cuts ...

  2. Spring Forage Outlook

    crown buds might be initiated and grow as well. Mowing existing top growth will not improve the ...

  3. Master Gardeners Now Available to Answer Your Questions

    gardens, ornamentals, trees, shrubs or home lawns.  For those home horticulture samples or questions that ...

  4. Integrated Pest Management Considerations for Stored Grain Crops

    around the outside of the bin should be kept clean. This includes keeping it mowed and cleaning up ...

  5. Harvest on the Horizon

    this harvest season. Following is a summary of their work. Make sure to update your precision ag. ... firmware and software for each program that you will be using. (Updates are not only for your smartphone.) ... needed- they will have access to updates or know how to direct you. Check the mass-flow sensor on your ...

  6. Considerations for 2019 Winter Wheat Planting

    planting after the fly free date also helps to reduce the early establishment of leaf diseases like ... that cause these diseases and infection of young plants. The earlier you plant, the more spores are ... date, pathogens that cause leaf diseases become last active, and as such, are less likely to infect ...

  7. Noxious Weeds

    Regular mowing or trimming along property and fence lines can greatly reduce the presence of weeds. Before ...

  8. What is Food Poisoning?

    disease-causing microbes, or pathogens, can contaminate foods, so there are many different foodborne infections. ... COOK CHILL For more information on foodborne illness in the United States visit the Center for Disease ...

  9. USAID Grant Focused on Food Safety, Empowering Women and Youth in Kenya Awarded to Kowalcyk, Morgan, Yousef and Team

    foodborne disease (FBD). Specifically, they will, according to their proposal, “characterize contamination ...

  10. Planning Committee Interest Form

    | Updates" e-newsletter for the application deadline details.  An information session will be held in late ...
