
Search results

  1. New Dietary Guidelines for 2020-2025

    The Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services update the Dietary Guidelines for ... Americans every five years, and the latest guidelines were recently released. Updated dietary guidance has ... diet-related chronic diseases, about 74 percent of adults are overweight or obese, and about 40 percent of ...

  2. Rain Damage to Hay

    with rain in the forecast is mow sooner rather than later and risk rain on the cut forage, or wait for ... a weather break and lose quality as the forage continues to mature?              Rain on mowed forage causes ... best-case scenario for rain and mowed forage is a quick rain shower within a few hours or less after mowing ...

  3. Tenth Anniversary of Dairy Palooza

    dairy products, and State updates. One of the real highlights for advisors was the “unveiling” of the ...

  4. Nitrogen Management of Forage Winter Cereals

    still be present at harvest time and be harvested with the forage. This can be a concern with disease ... Disease or Bovine Leukosis Virus if some of the manure resides in the harvested forage. If more manure ...

  5. Warm Weather Means Warm Season Grasses

    sudex can be chopped for silage or mowed and baled for haylage. When mowing, use a mower-conditioner, if ...

  6. Palmer Amaranth Concerns

    may be to destroy the field by mowing and then tillage or by mowing followed by an application of ...

  7. Promising Vaccine Development to Control Johne’s Disease

    Medicine, Ohio State University Extension Johne’s disease is a chronic enteritis associated with ruminants ... prevalent and costly disease worldwide in large and small ruminant species, such as cattle, sheep, and ... for other common production diseases due to body weight loss and debilitating immune response. ...

  8. Over-the-Counter Antibiotics Will Require Veterinary Oversight (Rx) Beginning in June of 2023

    treatment, control, or prevention of specific diseases. The FDA, via GFI #263, places the responsibility for ...

  9. Master Gardener Program

    Basic Entomology Basic Plant Pathology and Plant Disease Diagnostics Home Lawn Care Annuals Perennials ...

  10. Time to Assess Forage Legume Stands

    winter hardiness and disease resistance generally survive longer. Soil fertility: Adequate soil potassium ... helps prevent ice-sheeting and heaving and slows development of crown and root diseases. Harvest ...
