
Search results

  1. Chestnut Anthracnose

    a disease of culinary chestnut that is found in orchards throughout the eastern United States. The disease ... chestnut nurseries. Disease severity cannot be assessed until harvest time because burs conceal the nuts ... throughout the growing season, so growers cannot predict crop loss until after harvest begins. Disease ...

  2. Maize Chlorotic Dwarf of Maize

    caused by  Maize chlorotic dwarf virus  (MCDV). The disease (Fig. 1) has been reported from Texas up to ... Missouri and Ohio covering 19 states of the United States and Mexico. The disease caused severe economic ... hybrid, and plant developmental stage at the time of infection. Disease Cycle MCDV is mainly transmitted ...

  3. The Value of Community Strategic Plans in Corporate Location Decision-Making

    review, and/or update their strategic plans.  The Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) Element Designing ...

  4. Scab of Apple

    Development Center, Wooster, OH Apple scab is one of the most serious diseases of apple worldwide. Apple scab ... susceptible to this fungus. Both the leaves and fruit of apple trees can be affected by this disease. Infected ... defoliation may weaken trees and make them more susceptible to winter injury or other pests. Diseased fruits ...

  5. Keeping Plants Healthy

    pathology is the study of plant disease including the reasons why plants get sick and how to control or ... pest, or disease-causing organism, most specialists interested in plant health recommend the use of ... pest or disease. In some cases, the use of resistant cultivars or varieties might be the only means of ...

  6. Plants Get Sick Too!

    An Introduction to Plant Diseases PLPATH-GEN-1 Agriculture and Natural Resources 02/01/2017 Sarah ... study of plant disease including the reasons why plants get sick and how to control or manage healthy ... plants. Why Worry About Plant Diseases?     Figure 1. Injury: Ice damage. The weight of the ice causes the ...

  7. Diagnosing Sick Plants

    study of plant disease including the reasons why plants get sick and how to control or manage healthy ... plants. Diagnosing Plant Diseases Proper diagnosis is a critical step in the control of plant diseases ... tree. 3. Look for patterns. Is only a single plant affected? Is the potential disease restricted to ...

  8. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Cameron Stephens

    North Carolina State University in Plant Pathology (2021). While Cameron is no longer in the turf ... opportunities." How’d you initially become interested in turf? Early in college I struggled to find the right fit ... Pam Sherratt’s Sports Turf Management course as a general credit towards my undecided track, the ...

  9. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Nate McKinniss

    Currently a  major focus of Nate's "is to help those pursuing a career in the turf industry, ... considering studying turf: How’d you initially become interested in turf? Growing up, my uncle would take my ... for the next day. What have been a few highlights of your time so far in the turf industry? The most ...

  10. Ohio Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Requirements: Who Needs to Get Certified and What Steps to Take

    fertilizer to lawns, sports fields, and golf courses; however, sod production on more than 50 acres is ...
