
Search results

  1. Aquaculture team publishes two papers in top aqua-journals

    effect on immune and stress responses, growth performance, and disease resistance. The findings are ... important for reducing stress and disease in tilapia, the No. 1 aquaculture species in the world.  ...

  2. Brazil: Cultural and Agricultural Aspects

    rhizogenes biology and control, trying to understand genes responsible for disease development and the ... disease management on hydroponically grown tomatoes using beneficial bacteria belonging to the genus ...

  3. Agricultural Nutrients and Water Quality: Recent Litigation in the United States

    addition to the paper, we also recently updated  our nutrient management project on the National ...

  4. Hiam Elabd’s Aquaculture Passion

    Aquatic Animal Diseases and Management of the Benha University (BU) in Egypt, is back at the Ohio Center ... focused on further reducing stress and disease in aquaculture using an innovative approach. ...

  5. 'Tis the season for strawberries

    mitigate issues of soil-borne disease, drought, and labor shortages.  The tabletop production systems allow ...

  6. Programs designed to assist small businesses have been reopened

    PPP borrowers to apply for a Second Draw PPP Loan. Key PPP updates include: PPP borrowers can set ...

  7. ABC Archived Resources

    Feed and Nutrition Workshop, Yellow Springs Soy Aquaculture Alliance Update, Dr. Steven Hart, Soybean ... North Central Region Aquaculture Center Bluegill Diet Update, Chuck Hicks, Lincoln University Commercial ... Diseases, Doug Sweet, ODNR (pdf) VHS Fact Sheet, Arkansas Game & Fish Commission (pdf) VHS Fact Sheet: ...

  8. Agricultural & Natural Resources Income Tax Issues Webinar

    hemp considerations Timber tax issues Conservation easements Case study and forms update    The cost ...

  9. SBDC assisting business owners with new low-interest loan program We also continue to update businesses with the latest information through our Facebook page. ...

  10. Blackberries

    drosophila.                 It is also important to control diseases and weeds inside high tunnels.  Insecticides, fungicides ... Red Raspberry HYG-3210-08 Fruit Disease Fact Sheets from OSU Extension Integrated Management of ... Bramble Diseases Plant Health Management for Backyard Bramble Plantings 2004 Black Raspberry Foliar ...
