
Search results

  1. Diagnosing Sick Plants

    study of plant disease including the reasons why plants get sick and how to control or manage healthy ... plants. Diagnosing Plant Diseases Proper diagnosis is a critical step in the control of plant diseases ... tree. 3. Look for patterns. Is only a single plant affected? Is the potential disease restricted to ...

  2. Lawn Maintenance Made Easy

    each week." It's time to water the lawn when footprints remain in the turf (leaf blades lose ... tissue," he said. Homeowners are encouraged to mow their lawns on the taller side of the recommended range ... removing no more than a third of the leaf blade when mowing. Lawns cut at higher heights do not require ...

  3. ServSafe Food Safety Manager Training (Level 2)

    regulatory agencies and to implement and monitor measures for prevention of food-borne diseases. This course ... managers, operators, and owners with updated principles of safe food handling. ...

  4. ServSafe Food Safety Manager Training (Level 2)

    regulatory agencies and to implement and monitor measures for prevention of food-borne diseases. This course ... managers, operators, and owners with updated principles of safe food handling. ...

  5. ServSafe Food Safety Manager Training (Level 2)

    regulatory agencies and to implement and monitor measures for prevention of food-borne diseases. This course ... managers, operators, and owners with updated principles of safe food handling. ...

  6. Ohio Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Requirements: Who Needs to Get Certified and What Steps to Take

    fertilizer to lawns, sports fields, and golf courses; however, sod production on more than 50 acres is ...

  7. Crop Tree Management: A Tool to Help You Achieve Your Woodland Goals

    more insect and disease resistant, grow faster, and produce additional landowner benefits. In ...

  8. Sudden Oak Death (aka Ramorum blight)

    blight) is a disease caused by the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora ramorum that was discovered in ... central-coastal California in 1995. This pathogen had been known to cause disease in nurseries and gardens since ...  Sporangia of  P. ramorum. Photo by UC Berkeley. The disease causes extensive mortality on tanoak ...

  9. Spray Irrigation of Reclaimed Wastewater for Rural Homes

    disinfect it, and then irrigate lawn and landscaping on the lot. Reusing the water and nutrients in treated ... prevent the spread of disease-causing organisms. The Ohio Department of Health approves treatment and ...   People are understandably concerned about disease-causing organisms and spray irrigation of ...

  10. Wine Grape Cultivars for the Midwest

    characteristics, including fruit and wine quality, ripening season, disease susceptibility (especially bunch rot), ... end of the fact sheet. Table 3 describes the disease resistance and chemical sensitivity of these ... production and possess more winter hardiness and disease resistance than most of the V. vinifera parents. The ...
