
Search results

  1. Sessions Aim to Improve On-Farm Safety of Fruits, Vegetables

    Disease Control and Prevention data by the Center for Science in the Public Interest. That’s one reason ...

  2. Cold Winters Hard on Pond Fish: What You Can Do

    newsletter, Your Pond Update, All photos: iStock. Eugene Braig ...

  3. Study: An Apple a Day Lowers Level of Blood Chemical Linked to Hardening of the Arteries

    versus those with coronary artery disease, he said. The study is published online in the Journal of ...

  4. ​In study, skipping meals is linked to abdominal weight gain

    disease. “This does support the notion that small meals throughout the day can be helpful for weight loss, ...

  5. Upcoming Sessions Target On-farm Food Safety for Fruit, Vegetable Growers

    Hoover. To see an updated schedule, go to Each session is $20. ...

  6. ESGP Ph.D. Student Selected to Attend Global Food Security Symposium

    his colleagues will also address questions to panel experts via Twitter and provide updated commentary ...

  7. Across the (Corn) Field, Brutus Buckeye Puts Multi-Hybrid Planting on Center Stage

    also examining how to use drones to identify hybrids, pests, disease issues and nitrogen deficiencies ...

  8. Animal Health Scientist from Tanzania Shares Research Experiences at Ohio State through One Health Initiative and iAGRI

    the  Infectious Diseases and Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory  (IDMEL) at Ohio State’s  College of ...

  9. OSU Expert: Nozzle Choice Can Determine Yield Gains or Declines, Save Growers Money

    mistakes won’t show up that day, but sometime later in the growing season when weeds, insects, disease or ...

  10. Hellebore – Soon the first flowers of the hellebore will Welcome Spring

    that take little care and last for years.   For more information on home, lawn, indoor, or outdoor ...
