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  1. Wheat Management by Growth Stage

    effective and timely pesticide applications and pest and disease management are extremely important for ... You should also begin scouting for early season diseases such as Septoria and powdery mildew. However, ... of the flag leaf and the heads. Keep reading the C.O.R.N. newsletter for more updates on the progress ...

  2. Grain Marketing Breakfast Series to be Held in December

    feature Benjamin Brown from OSU’s Farm Management Program. He will be giving updates on the 2018 Farm ...

  3. Evaluation of Adapt-N and FieldView Corn N Fertilizer Tools in Ohio

    free, publicly-available tool was recently updated with extensive on-farm trials in Ohio and can be ...

  4. Selecting Corn Hybrids for 2018: Some Considerations

    and disease resistance, herbicide resistance, early plant vigor, etc. End uses of corn should also be ... tolerance to the most common stalk rots, foliar diseases, and ear rots. These include northern corn leaf ... The latter is rarer but the more damaging of the two major rust diseases that affect corn in Ohio ...

  5. How to store treated seed

    this seed so that it won’t be harvestable.  We will update this part of the article as more information ...

  6. Late Summer Seeding of Perennial Forages

    root rot and damping off disease organisms that thrive in cool, wet soils are not an issue. However, ... November, the disease develops during the winter, and seedlings literally "melt away" in winter ... exception to this rule is perennial and Italian ryegrass plantings, which should be mowed or harvested to ...

  7. Rainfastness of Fungicides in Wheat

    addition to increasing disease risk, frequent rainfall may reduce fungicide efficacy by washing it off of ... should not be directly extrapolated to other fungicides, other diseases, or other plant parts. However, ... fungicide at least an hour before it rains.   Wheat Disease ...

  8. State-wide update: August 2020


  9. Corn Ear Rots: Identification, Quantification and Testing for Mycotoxins

    a major ear rot problem this year is to quantify the disease in your field and get suspect samples tested ... mistaken for Trichoderma ear rot. Like several of the other ear rots, diseased ears are commonly associated ... infections may also occur at the base of the ear, causing the whitish-pink diseased kernels to develop from ...

  10. Register for Small Grains Field Day

    and Wheat Disease Management Dr. Clay Sneller and Dr. Pierce Paul USDA Wheat Quality Lab – tour the ...
