
Search results

  1. What are Those Purple Things in Trees? Find out at Farm Science Review

    people updated with what's happening in the world of emerald ash borer and continue to raise ...

  2. Ohioans Finding Economic Benefits in Protecting Humans and the Environment Through OSU Extension Program

    Safety Education Program offers statewide training, workshops, conferences, regulatory updates and ...

  3. Researchers Screening Soybean Lines for Virus Resistance

    and seeing how that correlates with the appearance of the disease at the end of the year," said ...

  4. Plant Germplasm Center Steadily Building Collection

    come from. We need to take advantage of plants that have traits like disease resistance, stress ...

  5. Ohio's Corn Heading for Record-Breaking Yields

    cooperated and we have surprisingly been absent of serious disease problems." According to the Ohio ...

  6. Fertility Management Focus at Conservation Tillage Conference

    to provide field crop information on insects and diseases, ag technology, nutrient management, soil ...

  7. Environmental Changes to Crops May Have Ties to Health/Market Value

    cardiovascular and neurological diseases and diabetes. "Red lettuce is visually appealing. Consumers tend to ...

  8. Delaying Corn Harvest Could Affect Yields

    Plant Pathology "Ohio Field Crop Diseases" Web site at ...

  9. Chow Line: Sensible choices good for heart health (for 2/18/07)

    February 9, 2007 What are the best foods to eat to combat heart disease? Unfortunately, there are ...

  10. Family Fundamentals: Talk with your teen about risky behaviors, costs (for October 2009)

    a sexually transmitted disease.   Knowing that these risks are real is an important step for parents. But ...
