
Search results

  1. Full List of 2015 Publications

    United States. Avian Diseases In-Press. Obade, V. and R. Lal. 2015. Toward a standard technique for soil ...

  2. Communiqué January 10, 2011

    for A&P Extension Educators have been updated in the Extension Policy and Procedures Handbook (see ...

  3. Northeast Region- CED Update


  4. Communiqué September 17, 2014

    Conference, encouraging everyone to attend. Keith also included a financial update on federal, state and ...

  5. Your Pond Update Spring 2014

    OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION in PDF format Proactive Algae Management through Pond Destratification As spring progresses, give a little thought to how internal nutrient cycling influences the water quality of ponds.  Everything that grows within your p ...

  6. Communiqué October 10, 2011

    needs throughout the state. I believe our current structure updates, including the field specialist ...

  7. Your Pond Update from Eugene Braig

    OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION in PDF format Your Pond (and Fish) Emerging from a Potent Winter It’s been too long since I’ve provided one of these articles.  As always, please, feel free to drop me a line at any time with any of your pond, water, fish, ...
