
Search results

  1. Don't Skip Soybean Aphid Scouting Despite Low Numbers

    is its overwintering host, whether or not it's a vector for disease, and why larger insect ...

  2. Corn Physiology Focus of CCA College at Farm Science Review

    diseases issues in Ohio and expectations for economic return. CCA-CEU credits will be available to those in ...

  3. Ohio State Involved in Gates Foundation's $8M Grant for Childhood Malnutrition

    internationally recognized virologist and immunologist who studies infectious diseases that can sicken both ...

  4. Strip Tillage An Option For Corn Growers

    including time of planting, soil properties, emergence rate, plant population and insect and disease impact. ...

  5. Agronomy Newsletter Worth Millions to Ohio Farmers

    Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team that provides timely, useful tips on insect and disease ...

  6. Water Gardening, Rediscovering an Ancient Hobby

    up, especially when winter approaches." Diseases and pests pose limited problems for water garden ...

  7. Best Time to Harvest Corn a Guessing Game

    September 12, 2001 COLUMBUS, Ohio- From too much rain to not enough, to threatening diseases ...

  8. Calibration Important for Effective Soybean Rust Control

    disease," said Ozkan, a professor with the Department of Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering. ...

  9. SCN Management Begins with Fall Sampling

    Pathology Ohio Field Crop Diseases Web site at ...

  10. Now's the Time to Scout for Soybean Cyst Nematode

    diseases, herbicide injury or development issues due to compaction could be the victim of another more ...
