
Search results

  1. Innovator in His Field, Supporter of His Alma Mater

    Nature’s Select Premium Turf Services, Inc., a biologically-based lawn-care business. The techniques are ...

  2. CFAES students honored with university-level awards

    the pathogenesis of emerging zoonotic viral diseases. Her ultimate goal in pursuing graduate training ...

  3. COVID-19 Updates/Cancellations for Brown County

    a state of emergency and implemented a variety of strategies to reduce the spread of the disease COVID-19. ... over the next few weeks, an updated email was sent on 3/16 and 4/7. ANR program participants will be ... updates as more information becomes available. Please continue to check your email. As of now all OSU ...

  4. OSU Extension offices throughout Ohio will implement teleworking options for staff amid current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak concerns

    offices throughout Ohio will implement teleworking options for staff amid current coronavirus disease 2019 ... reduce the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). To do our part in reducing risk to Ohio State ... cooperation and collaboration related to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The Ohio State University remains ...

  5. Plant Pathology Alums Doing Amazing Work!

    pathology in 2013, studying with Dr. Sally Miller. She worked in Tanzania with farmers to establish disease ... disinfestation, which is an organic method of reducing disease, insect and weeds in the soil before planting.  She ...

  6. Greene Co. Master Gardener Volunteer- College Student Scholarship- Due March 16, 2018

    college/university. The student must major in a field of study related to horticulture, turf management, landscape ...

  7. Co-op gift funds food-based cancer research

    and in developing a prevention or cure for some of these diseases.”  For more information on CAFFRE, ...

  8. CFAES State of the College- Columbus, Ohio & Online

    Save the date for the State of the College address, where Dean Cathann Kress will give updates on ...

  9. Stay Up to Date!

    we can shoot you an invite.  You can make sure to never miss a CFAES update.  If you work in an area ... update your info or email it to Claire Badger to update for you. ...

  10. Forshey, Waters inducted into Agricultural Hall of Fame

    health and disease prevention has been credited with enhancing the growth of the Ohio swine industry. ...
