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  1. Analysis of Safety Issues for Fresh Produce

    1998 and 2010 reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (4). The most recent ... consumed fresh. CSPI maintains a Searchable Outbreak Alert Database, which was recently updated to include ... same disease related to a common exposure." However, the spread of disease over a large area with ...

  2. The Benefits of a Healthy Diet for Children with ADHD

    lifestyle component that protects against long term health problems such as heart disease and diabetes. But ...

  3. Healthy Cooking for One or Two

    bring much enjoyment— a fit body, good health, and a reduced risk of many diseases. Make eating an ... 2020. “Leftovers and Food Safety.” Food Safety. Updated July 31, 2020. fsis ... USDA. 2021. “Safe Food Handing and Preparation.” Food Safety. Updated February 17, 2021. ...

  4. Getting the Most Return From Your Timber Sale

    is extremely high. Ice and snow storms, fire, insects, and disease are factors that could cause ...

  5. Drones for Spraying Pesticides—Opportunities and Challenges

    detection of insects and diseases Drones successfully and effectively monitor plant growth by collecting and ...

  6. RHDV2: What Rabbit Owners Need to Know

    Bridget Moore, Educator, 4-H Youth Development, Athens County Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHD) is a fatal ... disease caused by a calicivirus that affects only rabbits. USDA considers RHD a foreign animal disease and ...  has recently detected the Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Serotype 2 (RHDV2) in North America. RHDV2 ...

  7. Crimson Clover as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) Good Compaction fighter Very good Disease Good Chokes weeds small-seeded ... insects/nematodes: could be a minor problem Increased crop diseases: could be a minor problem Establishment ...

  8. Farming with Parkinson’s Disease

    Engineering, The Ohio State University Parkinson's disease is the second most diagnosed neurodegenerative ... disease. It typically develops later in life and slowly progresses resulting from a deficiency in the brain ... each other. Without it, messages from the brain to the muscles are disrupted. Parkinson's disease ...

  9. Angular Leaf Spot of Strawberry (Bacterial Blight)

    State University Angular leaf spot is the only bacterial disease of strawberry in the Midwest. Though ... serious. After the disease becomes established in a planting, not much can be done to manage it. Losses ... result from (1) decreased productivity from diseased or dead leaves and (2) reduced yields due to ...

  10. African Swine Fever: A Severe Threat to Swine Herds Is on the United States’ Doorstep

    a disease caused by the African swine fever virus (ASFV). ASFV is a viral pathogen found primarily in ... industry can respond and stop the spread of the disease. Signs include high fever; decreased appetite; ... There are four main types of disease depending on the strain of virus infecting the pigs: peracute acute ...
