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  1. USDA Announces 2023 Updates to the Plant Hardiness Zone Maps


  2. John Yost Joins Our Team and Toxic Levels of Hay Nitrates

    ANR hay forage nitrates staff updates Agriculture and Natural Resources ...

  3. Drought Stress On Turfgrass Is Underway drought turfgrass lawn & garden ANR Agriculture and Natural Resources ...

  4. APS 2023

    Learning the Basic Metagenomics Tools for Disease Diagnostics and Microbiome Analysis.  Hannah Toth, ... T Adhikari, F Louws. Part of TECHNICAL SESSION: Soilborne Disease Management ________________ Tuesday, August ... Improved Technologies for Disease Detection and Diagnosis 1:00 PM – 1:15 PM MDT Exploring the potential use ...

  5. Diagnostic Network

    diseases and pests is crucial to preventing outbreaks that can devastate our food supply and the ... diseases, insects, and environmental disorders. If harmful pathogens and pests are detected in Ohio, ... the distribution and severity of plant diseases that impact Ohio's economy and environment is ...

  6. Broadleaf Weeds, Frost Injury and Disease Highlights

    is a temporary situation and with several mowings the lawns will appear normal again. Disease ... turf. However, if lawns are known to be susceptible to leaf spots and the disease progresses and becomes severe ... summer. Lawns with this condition should be properly maintained with good mowing practices and adequate ...

  7. Notes On Bacterial Canker and Tomato Pith- What To Look For

    available at Bacterial Canker What to look for on the plant:  Early ... humidity, and prolonged cloud cover.  To avoid this disease, start with a clean field and delay spring ... tomato pith plant diseases plant pathology tomato crop health events farm tour cauv ANR Agriculture and ...

  8. Piao Yang

    S.O., Bernier, M.C., Zhao, L., and Xia, Y. (2023). Plant growth promotion and plant disease suppression ... cv. M82) in Ohio. Plant Disease. 10.1094/PDIS-05-22-1093-PDN. Yang, P., Bokros, N., Debolt, S., Zhao, ... disease suppression. 202 3-present   Postdoc fellow (advisor: Dr. Shuai Huang) The Ohio State University, ...

  9. Plant Growth Facilities

    Nematodes, Human Pathogens and Recombinant Microorganisms in Selby Hall, APHIS Facility 234 - updated March ...

  10. The Scoop on CAUV Soil Value Changes to Cropland and Woodland

    mandated reappraisal and triennial updates that want to understand how and why CAUV soil values will adjust ...
