
Search results

  1. SW Ohio BYGLive! Diagnostic Walk-About Series

    (arborists, landscapers, turf managers, nursery managers, etc.).  Participants earn ISA Certified Arborist ... CEU’s. Comprehensive:  participants look at plants, plant pests, plant diseases, landscape designs, and ... the Walk-Abouts is open for consideration! Up-to-Date:  updates are provided on newly emerging plant ...

  2. Homeowner Lawn Care: Late Spring & Early Summer

    Did you miss the Homeowner Lawn Care program? Do you have questions about lawn care? Are you ... interested in learning about lawn care from a science based approach? Do some of these questions keep you up ... at night: How much fertilizer does my lawn need?  When should I be applying? Do I need lime?  How ...

  3. Dairy Cattle Welfare Council Webinar Series

    at the key hoof lesions; digital dermatitis, white line disease, and sole ulcer. Speaker: Dr. Nigel ...

  4. From Deer to Bats to Cats, Conference to Focus on Managing Wildlife Conflicts

    Environmental Sciences  (CFAES), said feral cats may spread diseases such as toxoplasmasis, have been shown by  ... will give an update on  white nose syndrome, which has killed millions of bats in eastern North America ... and is spreading. She said the disease is a concern because bats, despite their occasional home ...

  5. School Enrichment

    Salmonella Infection  (from Centers for Disease Control) Other Documents Related to the Curriculum Egg ...

  6. CFAES Increasing Agriculture Productivity in East Africa

    techniques including tomato grafting, new varieties of rice and tomatoes that fend off diseases common in ... lost row after row of corn to a disease ravaging cornfields across northern Tanzania, a country where ... makeup of the viruses causing the disease killing swaths of cornfields in his native country: maize ...

  7. Blueberry Grower School

    Celeste Welty, Spotted Wing Drosophila management update Gary Gao, Irrigation and Nutrient Management in ...

  8. Learn How to Keep Woods and Wildlife Healthy

    linked to  increases in ticks and tick-borne diseases, including Lyme disease. Such plants can be managed ... a growing concern because of white-nose syndrome, a new disease that’s been killing them. “10 Ways to Manage ... Pests and Diseases” by Joe Boggs, educator in the Hamilton County office of CFAES’s Ohio State ...

  9. Ohio Woodland, Water, and Wildlife Conference

    Glyphosate and Pesticide Safety Update Harmful Alga Blooms in Ponds: Concerns and Mitigation/Management The ...

  10. Soil-ology: Do You Dig It?

    been proven to produce fewer insects and disease problems on the plants. Why? The increase in good ... microorganisms helps to reduce disease, and better growing conditions help make plants naturally resistant to ... pests.    Did you know?  Each year, thousands of tons of kitchen scraps, lawn clippings, and waste from ...
