
Search results

  1. ENT Homecoming Email

    State-Rutgers game. This event is located on the Plumb Hall lawn, just a quick walk across the bridge to the ...

  2. ACEL Homecoming Email

    to the Ohio State-Rutgers game. This event is located on the Plumb Hall lawn, just a quick walk ...

  3. FST Homecoming Email

    State-Rutgers game. This event is located on the Plumb Hall lawn, just a quick walk across the bridge to the ...

  4. ANSCI Homecoming Email

    State-Rutgers game. This event is located on the Plumb Hall lawn, just a quick walk across the bridge to the ...

  5. AEDE Homecoming Email

    State-Rutgers game. This event is located on the Plumb Hall lawn, just a quick walk across the bridge to the ...

  6. FABE Homecoming Email

    State-Rutgers game. This event is located on the Plumb Hall lawn, just a quick walk across the bridge to the ...

  7. Free plants! Grow Kindness Project

    following locations: Lawn in front of Traditions at Scott RPAC Plaza University Square (15th and High) South ...

  8. Reminder Homecoming Registration Open

    the Plumb Hall lawn prior to the Rutgers game, complete with a full buffet and entertainment for just ...

  9. CFAES Alumni Homecoming Registration now open!

    Homecoming Tailgate Plumb Hall Lawn • 12 – 3 p.m. OSU vs. Rutgers Football Game Ohio Stadium 3:30 p.m. ...

  10. Final Countdown for Homecoming

    fellow CFAES alumni on the Plumb Hall lawn prior to the Ohio State-Rutgers Game, a short walk from the ...
