
Search results

  1. Masked Chafers

    Entomology Masked chafers are beetles that have larvae, called white grubs, which can attack managed turf ... usually attack cool season turf, especially if Japanese beetle grubs have been suppressed. Additionally, ... Damage Symptoms Turf begins to show drought stress in late summer into fall or spring and does not ...

  2. New online database a "FRST" in fertilizer knowledge sharing

    Data-Driven: FRST utilizes a dynamic database of soil test correlation data that is constantly updated to ...

  3. Wheat as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    similar diseases and pests. Plant after Hessian fly-free date as a cover crop. Table 2. Rating the ... except when rolling/crimping. Mowing after heading may terminate. Terminate wheat at least 14 days before ... for penetrans root lesion nematode. Increased crop diseases: could be a moderate problem Hinders ...

  4. Japanese Beetle

    usually in high-quality urban turf. Beetle skeletonizing a leaf Hosts The adult beetles are general ... most commonly damage turf. The turf first appears off-color as if under water stress. Irrigating causes ... a short-lasting response or no response at all. The turf feels spongy under foot and can be easily pulled back ...

  5. Rotary Agricultural Mower Safety

    mowing and never allow riders on the tractor. Before Mowing Remove all litter and debris from the area to ... be mowed. Stones, tin cans, and wire can be deadly when thrown by a mower blade. Be alert for holes ... mowed. No riders. Know the child labor laws. Wear a seat belt when the tractor is equipped with roll over ...

  6. Barley as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    terminate barley when the plants are small, except when rolling/crimping. Mowing barley after heading may ... diseases: could be a moderate problem Fusarium head blight can be a problem if small grains are planted ... within one year. There can be disease problems (e.g., tan spot), depending on the crop rotation. Hinders ...

  7. Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)

    includes such practices as digging, mowing, cutting, removal of umbels, grazing, and herbicide application. ...

  8. Annual Ryegrass as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    practices, and do not plant a mix of varieties. Mowing after heading may result in termination. Annual ... Excellent Disease Good Allelopathic (produces biochemicals that inhibit weeds) Good Chokes weeds Excellent ... for penetrans root lesion nematode Increased crop diseases: occasionally a minor problem Hinders ...

  9. Japanese Millet as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    Additional termination information: Mowing Japanese millet after heading may terminate it. Japanese millet ... Soil Impacts Frees phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) Good Nematodes Good Disease Very good Allelopathic ...

  10. Forage as Vegetative Cover for Utility-Scale Solar in Ohio

    frequent mowing to maintain the appearance of a lawn. Pollinator mixes require mowing at the end of the ... the varieties best suited for each purpose. Turf type seed is selected to be resistant to mowing and ... bluegrass (Sherratt, Street, and Gardner 2017). These mixes are low growing and tolerate frequent mowing ...
