
Search results

  1. Invasive Insect Pests & Diseases of Trees

    Please click here for registration information and additional details. ...

  2. Home Horticulture Series- Manage Your Lawn & Your Stormwater Footprint

    you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Manage your Lawn & your Storm Water Footprint, Butler ...

  3. Spring Rabbit Clinic

    fair schedule, fair entry information, project details, updates to this years fair and we will also be ...

  4. 4-H Advisor Update Meeting


  5. 4-H Advisor Update Meeting


  6. Genetics & Genomics

    also to reduce production cost, improve disease resistance, improve utilization of feed resources, and ...

  7. ‘Market’ Research: How a field trip helped transform the Pike Outreach Food Pantry

    two thirds have someone in their household with some other kind of chronic disease like hypertension ... or heart disease,” said Remley, a nutrition and wellness specialist who acts as a “coach” for the ...

  8. Putting your Garden to Bed for the Winter

    diseases.  Discard foliage from diseased plants.  Other foliage should be placed in your compost pile or ... spring compost material that can be mowed and then tilled back into the soil in the spring. Love your ...  Drain or run out all the gasoline from lawn mowers, and tillers.  This will prevent water from ...

  9. Tri-state CSA Conference

    from extension experts on a variety of topics. Join our list-serv to get updates on this year's ...

  10. 4-H Volunteer Training- Cloverbud Volunteer

    the requirement.  We will cover 4-H updates, OSU policy 1.50, and Laura Halladay will present Trauma ... training, and update their enrollment in 4-H Online by April 1, 2022 to remain an active volunteer. All ...
