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  1. Rain and Frost Leave Farmers Pondering Replanting

    metabolism. Combine that with the rain, and plants become more susceptible to fungus and disease. Weather ... to break up the crusty soil. Farmers should watch for seedling diseases as well. The color of an ... including a shorter growing season and a higher risk of disease and plants succumbing to insects. “The goal ...

  2. TWEL Presentations at The Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society Joint Conference

    Disease (SFD) and recorded its prevalence among our telemetered animals. We observed an average annual ...

  3. Feeding Lower Quality Hay Crop Forages

    weather damage to mowed crops that could not be removed quickly from the field, or forced farmers to ...

  4. EPDM Faculty Advising Forum

    place! Hear about curriculum updates, receive a new degree planning tools, and get scheduling questions ...

  5. NRM Faculty Advising Forum

    place! Hear about curriculum updates, receive a new degree planning tools, and get scheduling questions ...

  6. Michael Graziano's Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    decline being well documented, largely as a result of habitat loss and disease, it is increasingly more ...

  7. July 27 Field Day to Feature Field Crops

    and Update “It is my hope that attendees can take some of what we are researching back to their ...

  8. Field Crops Day at Northwest Research Station

    and Update “It is my hope that attendees can take some of what we are researching back to their ...

  9. Farm Forum Meeting

    Auditor David Graham Shares CAUV Update        Greene Co. Auditor David Graham will share the ...

  10. Tedrick and Thraen Inducted into 2018 Dairy Hall of Service

    He maintained an updated web site and wrote regularly in numerous agricultural publications on dairy ...
