
Search results

  1. Urban Farm Tour- Converting Vacant Land

    a typical suburban lawn to perennial food forests, guilds, woodlands and pasture. Full descriptions of each ...

  2. Urban Farm Tours Happening Throughout Columbus

    a typical suburban lawn to perennial food forests, guilds, woodlands and pasture. Full descriptions of each ...

  3. Beef 510

    will also provide program updates. The Beef 510 program will begin at 8:30 a.m. and will conclude by ...

  4. Hops Pre-Harvest Field Night Set for July 27

    Trellis System. Hop Mechanical Harvesting Demonstration. Drying Demonstration. Insect and Disease Scouting ...

  5. Nutrition

    Supplementation of Crop Residues for Breeding Cattle pdf Soybean Hulls pdf Updating Phosphorus Supplementation in ...

  6. Soybean Tariff: How Much Could It Cost an Ohio Farmer?

    Japan’s ban on imports of U.S. beef due to cases of mad cow disease in the United States. Taking advantage ...

  7. Baby, It’s Cold Outside

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns those most at risk fall into the following ...

  8. A Fruitful Year

    management tasks, disease and insect identification and management, and fall fruit harvests, as well as key ...

  9. Communiqué August 20, 2014

    Contents OSU Extension Listserv Update OSU Extension Regional Map and HR/Fiscal Contact Listings ... Updated OSUE Computer Depot Policy Reminder OSUE2U: Extension Centennial Video Contest Results- National ... Winners Announced Extension Centennial Updates Extension Africa Conference to be held in October 20-21 ...

  10. Hort program receives USDA grant

    disease management, irrigation and fertilization needed to produce strawberries for an extended season in ... potential advantages include higher yield, enhanced fruit quality, less disease and increased harvest labor ...
