
Search results

  1. Recommendations for Special Needs Facilities

    and productivity of the dairy cow. The majority of metabolic and infectious diseases the cow will ... the immune system of the animal, increasing its susceptibility to infectious diseases such as mastitis ... and Salmonellosis. To reduce disease and improve the productivity of the cow, we must design ...

  2. Information Links

    Office of Disease Prevenetion and Health Promotion National Dairy Council Partnership for Food Safety ...

  3. TWEL Nancy Sundell-Turner Thesis

    describing human disturbance (e.g. number of buildings, percentage of area covered by roads, pavement, mowed ...

  4. Buckeye Shepherd Symposium

    State University Update on the USDA scrapie program will be presented by Dr. Mark Lyons, USDA-Aphis ...

  5. 2016 Ohio Woodland Water and Wildlife Conference

    The Six Legged Invasive Species Update- Amy Stone, OSU Extension Dragonflies: Their Critical Aquatic ...

  6. LEED Green Associate Training

    introduced this year and this training course is one of the few that has been updated to teach the current ...

  7. Rational Delay

    processes of updating our attitudes are extended in time, a phenomenon I call rational delay. Neither ...

  8. EPN March Tuesday Breakfast Club

    Blueprint Columbus: Clean Streams, Strong Neighborhoods – Update. This will be followed by the Global Water ...

  9. TWEL Presentations at The Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society Joint Conference

    Disease (SFD) and recorded its prevalence among our telemetered animals. We observed an average annual ...

  10. Rain and Frost Leave Farmers Pondering Replanting

    metabolism. Combine that with the rain, and plants become more susceptible to fungus and disease. Weather ... to break up the crusty soil. Farmers should watch for seedling diseases as well. The color of an ... including a shorter growing season and a higher risk of disease and plants succumbing to insects. “The goal ...
