
Search results

  1. Ohio Drought Doesn't Slow Soybeans; Record Yields Possible

    the dry weather in June and July came some blessings, and that was we had almost no root rot diseases ...

  2. Learn About Blueberry Production at OPGMA Congress

    plagued as much by insects and diseases," said Brown. "So that really opens the doors for ...

  3. Ohio Wheat Greening Up and It Looks Promising

    keeping a close eye on the potential development of head scab, a disease that impacts wheat at the ...

  4. Western Bean Cutworm Monitored in Ohio Again This Year

    yields. Feeding damage can also create opportunities for disease development. "Indiana saw damage in ...

  5. Miscanthus Being Evaluated as Potential Ohio Biomass Crop

    about impacts from insects, diseases, weather and fertility issues." Unlike annual row crops such ...

  6. Chow Line: Examine ingredients for added sugars (for 9/13/09)

    associated with cardiovascular disease. It also emphasized just how much added sugars Americans consume each ...

  7. Chow Line: No need to spend a fortune to eat right (for 10/10/10)

    cardiovascular disease, including stroke, as well as diabetes. The researchers found that generally, the ...

  8. Chow Line: Need a wake-up call on caffeine? (for 4/26/09)

    who already have hypertension or heart disease. And, the researchers believe consumption of energy ...

  9. Chow Line: Eat healthfully to fight the flu bug (for 10/4/09)

    course, always follow proper hygiene practices to prevent spread of disease. Wash your hands frequently ...

  10. Chow Line: Choose carefully at Chinese restaurants (for 8/10/08)

    Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to help consumers choose healthier menu items ...
