
Search results

  1. New Research from AEDE Alumnus Bidisha Mandal and Professor Brian Roe Suggests that Women’s Decisions Regarding Stopping Breastfeeding and Returning to the Workplace are Interlinked

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the researchers used a simultaneous equations model to study ...

  2. Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative Update: Project Cultivates Tanzanian Agricultural Expertise for Future

    doctoral candidate is studying rice blast, a serious disease of rice-- one of Tanzania's key crops. ...

  3. Midwest Graduate Student Conference on Regional and Applied Economics (CRAE) Held at Ohio State on April 5th and 6th; Meeting was a Huge Success

    the live conference updates on AEDE’s Twitter page, as well as the CRAE website. Additionally, event ...

  4. AEDE’s C. William Swank Program Hosts Advisory Council Meeting Focused on Workforce Development

    Council the opportunity to receive an update on the work of the Swank Program, including the following ...

  5. AEDE at the 2013 Farm Science Review

    5 p.m. Sept. 17-18 and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 19.  For the latest news and updates, follow the Farm ...

  6. 'Motivated, Inspired': CFAES Students go to National Leadership Conference

    personal and professional skills necessary for lifelong success and provides a forum for updates and ...

  7. CFFPI

    Innovation " 2007-3 " UPDATED Farmland Protection Successes: Stories from Across Ohio" 2007-2 ...

  8. An Update on Ohio State’s STEAM Factory

    Founded in 2012, The STEAM Factory at Ohio State is a grassroots initiative that facilitates collaborative research, teaching and outreach. This diverse faculty network has grown from 10 founding members to over 120 faculty across 69 departments and 17 co ...

  9. Old Alumni Page

    Economics, Athens, GA Research Fellow, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA Rural Finance Officer, United ...

  10. 4-H / Jr. Fair Action & Advisory Committee Elections Update

    As you know the election for 4-H / Jr. Fair Action Committees (Beef, Building 10, Dairy, Dog, Goat, Horse, Poultry/Rabbit, Sheep, and Swine Commitees) and for district representatives to the Extension 4-H Advisory Committee has been underway throughout th ...
